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柏拉图主义在西方哲学史上长期占统治地位。Platonism occupied a dominant position in traditional Western philosophy.

柏拉图主义本身可以被称为原始诺斯替,也就是诺斯替之前的诺斯替。Platonism itself might be called proto-Gnostic, that is,Gnosticism before Gnosticism.

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从古希腊时代起,柏拉图主义便开始了西方式的对抽象真理的追求。Platonism began the West’s pursuit of abstract truth from the times of ancient Greece.

尼采通过将叔本华的生存意志改造为权力意志,彻底批判了柏拉图主义和基督教。Nietzsche criticizes Platonism and Christianity by changing Schopenhauer's will to live into will to power.

这观点就是肉体禁锢了你的思想和灵魂,这成为了柏拉图主义的一部分。the idea was that the body imprisons your spirit and your soul, and this comes to be a part of Platonism at the time.

在19世纪,“柏拉图哲学”曾风靡一时,安徒生的爱情观就深深地打上了被伏尔泰称为“形而上学爱情”的柏拉图思想的烙印。The Platonism once was the rage in the 19th century and had branded "Metaphysical Love" into the Andersen's love view.

籍着这种批评性的追溯,本文指出柏拉图主义的神学观念在希腊化和早期基督教时期所经历的转折。In this way, we point out the transition of Platonism theological concept during the Hellenistic and early Christian period.

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在他名为“让柏拉图主义死亡”的文章中,他坚信,现代科学可以提供证据来证明柏拉图的观点是错误的。And modern science, he believes, provides evidence to show that the Platonic view is just plain wrong. He titled his article “Let Platonism Die.”

英国著名哲学家阿尔弗莱特·怀特海曾经说过,整个西方哲学史都是在为柏拉图作注脚。Alfred White, a well-known British philosopher, once commented that throughout its whole history western philosophy was making footnotes for Platonism.

可以肯定的是,现代化主义柏拉图主义始于古希腊时期,它开启了西方世界对抽象真理的追求。To be sure, modernism had its illustrious intellectual ancestry. Platonism began the West's pursuit of abstract truth from the times of ancient Greece.

哈特曼的价值柏拉图主义是由价值本质论、关系论、发现论、理想论、原则论等观点构成的一个完整的理论范式。Nicolai Hartmann's value Platonism is a whole theory pattern, which is constituted of theory of value essence and relation and discovering and ideal and principle.

虽然对柏拉图主义和实在论有某种解构价值,但两者却混淆了数学与其他科学的本质区别。Although valuable in deconstruct the Platonism and realism, the fallibilism and quasi-empiricism confuse the essence difference between mathematics and other science.

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柏拉图主义与赫密斯主义在拿戈玛第著作集中得到了讨论,但是并没有任何对“毁灭世界”甚至蓄意摧毁社会秩序的意思表示。Platonism and Hermetism are discussed in the Nag Hammadi collection, but there is no urge toward "world destruction" or even the deliberate disruption of the social order.

然而,可以说正是柏拉图主义开创了西方现代理性社会的进程,并且主宰了西方此后两千多年的漫长历史。However, it is no other than Platonism which initiates the road of western modern reason society. And it exerts effects on about two thousand years'history of western society.

古代晚期的希腊基督教和拉丁基督教神学典范与普罗提诺的新柏拉图主义都有密切的关系,他们以普罗提诺的哲学为神学基础。Both Greek Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus' Neo- Platonism , their theologies are based on Plotinus' philosophy.