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在太空中吃饭这一任务到“天空实验室”时有了很大进步。The task of eating in space got a big boost in Skylab.

工程师们迅速制定了维修天空实验室的各种方案。The engineers quickly designed different ways to repair Skylab.

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太空实验室是NASA发射升空的美国第一个空间站的名称。Skylab was thename of the first American space station launched by NASA.

返回地球时,是所有天空实验室宇航员中身体状况最佳的。Yet they returned in the best physical condition of all the Skylab astronauts.

他的父亲欧文加略特在1973年到1983年期间在太空实验室工作。His father, Owen Garriott, rocketed to Skylab in 1973 and to Spacelab-1 in 1983.

在电视屏幕上,人们可以看到那个空间实验室在外层空间轨道上绕地球运行。On the TV screen the skylab could be seen orbiting round the earth in order place.

已经命令将现在在航天实验室里的研究人员送回来。An order has been given that the researchers who are now in the skylab should be sent back.

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该期杂志的另一个主题是空间实验室拍摄的一组地球和太阳照片,值得一看。A second feature in the issue presents remarkable photos of the Earth and sun taken from Skylab.

皮特康拉德常常说,和在月球漫步相比,他对于自己在天空实验室任务里所做的工作更加感到自豪。Pete Conrad used to say he was prouder of his work on the Skylab missions than his walk on the Moon.

美国航天局使用土星在二十世纪五六十年代,七十年代在阿波罗和天空实验室计划的火箭。NASA used Saturn Five rockets during its Apollo and Skylab programs in the nineteen sixties and seventies.

美国1973年利用“阿波罗”登月计划的剩余物资发射了“天空实验室”太空站。The United States in 1973 using "Apollo" plan surplus land on the moon launched the "Skylab" space station.

我的话音刚落,就有一片很大很大的不明飞行物从房顶上猛砸了下来。The words were barely out of my mouth, when a very large piece of Skylab came crashing down through our roof.

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该系统可以提供精确的再入时间解算苏联宇宙飞船的弹道。In July 1979, 7010 radar provided accurate data on the re-entry time of the de-orbited U. S. Skylab spacecraft.

美国第一个在地球轨道上的载人实验室“太空实验室”为人们积聚了大量关于宇宙的资料。Skylab , the United States' first manned orbiting laboratory, amassed a wealth of information about the universe.

不久他作为国家航空和宇宙航行局的一名工程师,他在阿波罗-土星运载火箭和太空实验轨道工作室里工作。S. Air Force Academy. Later as a NASA engineer he worked on the Apollo-Saturn launch vehicle and the Skylab Orbital Workshop.

大多残骸重新进入地球大气层时发生爆炸,但有个显着的例外是天空实验室空间站于1979年附落。Most debris burns up when it re-enters Earth's atmosphere, however a notable exception was the SkyLab space station, which fell in 1979.

尽管宇航员们声称“月球令人失望”,但是如果有机会,我们哪个人会不愿意到月亮上走一遭呢?Pete Conrad used to say he was prouder of his work on the Skylab missions than his walk on the Moon. "Some people even get mad, " he said.

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它的发现是在太空实验室计画的X光望远镜被放到地球大气层之外以解开日冕构造时。These were found when X-ray telescopes in the Skylab mission were flown above the earth's atmosphere to reveal the structure of the corona.

“天空实验室”不像以前的载人太空飞行器,她具有如下特征,即,有很大的空间作餐厅安放餐桌。Unlike previous space vehicles for astronauts, Skylab featured a large interior area where space was available for a dining room and table.

Skylab是美国第一个空间实验室,当火灾发生时或者有害气体发生泄漏时,宇航员需要立刻做出反应。Skylab was the first U. S. space station, and the astronauts would need to know if a fire had started or if noxious gases were loose in the vehicle.