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因为爱,也发现自己可以变得那么的温柔,不再任性。Because of love, I can be sweet, not capriciously.

现在雨变成了一股急流,随着一阵阵骤风四面八方地猛冲。The rain now becomes a torrent flung capriciously by a rising wind.

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暴风雨变成一股洪流,在越来越强烈的狂风下,反复无常地猛冲着大地。The rain now becomes a torrent, flung capriciously by a rising wind.

很多时候不懂得为何会流泪,只是肆意得任性得流下。Some time I don't know why I will cry, just letting tears down capriciously.

按照当地居民的意愿,时区界线被划分得弯弯曲曲。The zone boundaries zigzag capriciously according to the whims of the local population.

虽然如此,我还是想密切注视一些情况,只要我的身体不像裙子那样随意摆动。Nonetheless, I wanted to keep an eye on things so my body didn't end up fluctuating as capriciously as my skirt lengths.

这时,雨水倾盆如注,狂风将雨柱来回抛洒。风雨交加,肆意地抽打树木,夷平草地。The rain now becomes a torrent, flung capriciously by a rising wind. Together they batter the trees and level the grasses.

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保守秘密是被声称的为了保护合法的国家秘密,还是为了掩饰一个表现无定见的政府职员?Is secrecy being asserted to protect legitimate state secrets, or to cloak a government employee who has acted capriciously?

在实质性正当程序概念的运用过程中,我们经常说,政府不能专断和反复无常。In applying the concept of substantive due process, we usually say that the government cannot act arbitrarily and capriciously.

研究表明,后现代主义攻势篮球”具有进攻迅速、动作善变、球星多能、防守不弱的特征,且较“现代主义”篮球创造出更高的商业价值。The conclusion indicates that "attacking basketball in post- modernism" is to attack quickly, act capriciously , ball- star versatile and defend in time.