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未来有着无限的希望。The future holds limitless promise.

无限、永恒的爱情照耀着我。Limitless undying love which shines around me.

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可以看到,组合的数量是无限的。As you can see, the combinations are limitless.

服务容量是动态的且具有无限性。The service capacity is dynamic, it is limitless.

电影的可能性刹那间无穷无限。The possibilities of cinema were suddenly limitless.

品质提升无极限!Gemme firmly believes in limitless quality improvement.

我面前是一片汪洋的丹麦海,冷清清,灰沉沉,广阔无垠。Before me stretches a Danish sea. Cold, gray, limitless.

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吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。My living to also have limited , and knowing is limitless.

你太天真了以为我会就这样把无穷力量的奥义告诉你?。That Im just going to hand you the secret to limitless power?

这是得到无条件的爱和无限的喜悦途径。That is the way to get this causeless love and limitless joy.

望着那广阔的海面,心情自然宽舒许多!The broad and limitless sea will surely set your mind at ease.

下了车,我第一眼看到的就是一望无边的大海!The car, the first thing I saw was a hope limitless the ocean!

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佛具足无量光,众生也具足无量光。As Buddha possesses limitless light, so do all sentient beings.

这要求有无限深广的视野。This requires limitless range and unfathomable depth of vision.

如何运用自我催眠,以改善您的生活在无限的方法。How to use self-hypnosis to improve your life in limitless ways.

这两首诗令我对无限的一体有更进一步的体认。These two poems help me to further comprehend limitless oneness.

甚至有吉祥物用于电子游戏所以它们的用途不可限量。There are even mascots for video games so the uses are limitless.

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无限防卫在司法适用中的若于问题。Section 4. Some problems of limitless defence in judicial practice.

这是除了外国的战争,无限公司的补贴和更多。That's besides foreign wars, limitless corporate subsidies and more.

它有这个力量带来无缘由的爱与无限喜悦的状态。It has the power to bring a state of causeless love and limitless joy.