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自从成了英属缅甸的首都,仰光也没有了“灵魂”。Yangon had no "soul" either, when it became the capital of British Burma.

缅甸昨晚在该国最年夜都会仰光公告宵禁令。Myanmar issued on Tuesday night a curfew order in the country's biggest city of Yangon.

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这是邓云从仰光Pagoda路151号的别墅二楼阳台上看到的情景。This is Yun Deng Yangon Pagoda Road 151, from a villa on the second floor balcony to see the scene.

另一个66岁的政府退休的仰光居民,对这个新闻持保留态度。Another Yangon resident, a 66-year-old retired government employee, was more reserved about the news.

在他审讯期间,他被关在仰光的监狱,在那里他得并被保释就医一周。While in custody in a Yangon jail during his trial, he had a seizure and was hospitalized for a week.

2005年11月7日,缅甸政府开始把政府机关从仰光搬迁到彬文那。The Myanmar government started moving its ministries offices from Yangon to Pyinmana on November 7th 2005.

在仰光的最后一夜,我在一个人气十足的路边酒吧,喝着从塑料瓶里倒出来的啤酒。My last night in Yangon was spent drinking beer out of plastic water bottles at a popular roadside turnout.

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5月3号,飓风纳尔吉斯袭击了仰光附近地区,可能已导致超过5万人死亡。On May 3, Cyclone Nargis struck the area surrounding Yangon and has likely killed more than 50, 000 people.

仰光的年轻人今天是啤酒吧的DJ和玩滑板的人,明天却成了吃素的和尚。Kids in Yangon were beer guzzling club DJ's and skateboarders one day and vegetarian Buddhist monks the next.

当地的景点包括大金塔,该湖,目的市场,和仰光动物园。Local attractions include golden Shwedagon Pagoda, Inya Lake, Bogyoke Market, and the Yangon Zoological Gardens.

军队使用自动武器驱散示威人群,仰光街边留下沾满血的拖鞋。Blood-soaked sandals lie on a street in Yangon after the troops used automatic weapons to break up demonstrations.

在一年前,我在大金寺的和平抗议活动恶化前不到一个月的时候离开了仰光。That was one year ago. I departed from Yangon less than one month before the peaceful protest to Shwedagon Paya went wrong.

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驻仰光的欧洲各国大使也在倾听各反对党的观点的同时,进行着他们对此事的年度审查。European ambassadors have been listening to all opposition views in Yangon as they conduct their annual review of the issue.

缅甸的主要城市曼德勒和仰光的每一间房屋都拥有自立的发电机帮助度过了黑暗的年代。Myanmar’s major cities of Mandalay and Yangon survive in the dark ages, with each apartment running on self-funded power generators.

我想她会因素季及仰光而感到快慰,毕竟,总比内比都无菌的会议室要好的多。Though it's my guess that she'll be enchanted both by Suu Kyi and Yangon – a good deal more so than the sterile meeting rooms of Naypyitaw.

当局以仰光太过拥挤为由施行了搬迁,之所以选择内比都,是因为它地处国家的正中心。The government justified the move by saying Yangon was too crowded, and that Naypyitaw was chosen because it is smack in the middle of the country.

记者采访了一位到访内比都的中国外交官,他是从仰光过来出差的。他说他觉得内比都比较无聊,还有一点让人摸不着头脑。One visitor interviewed on Tuesday, a Chinese diplomat who had traveled from Yangon on business, said he thought it was boring and a bit befuddling.

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据缅甸官方媒体报道,耶陶先生来自密苏里的法尔康,他本月游水渡过位于仰光中部的印雅湖,在夜间溜进翁山苏姬女士在湖边的院子。Mr. Yettaw, from Falcon, Mo., swam across Inya Lake in central Yangon this month and sneaked into Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi’s lakeside compound at night.

确实即使将军们的妻子和家人也不喜欢生活在内比都,也许他们更特别喜欢仰光,你能归罪于他们吗?Surely even the generals' wives and families don't fancy living in Naypyidaw, perhaps more especially them preferring Yangon instead, and can you blame them?

像仰光这样的地方已经衰败成没落的殖民地样子,而曼德勒的肮脏破败给人极差的第一印象。Yet, while places like Yangon have declined into a form of dilapidated colonial majesty, on first impression Mandalay's scruffiness can be genuinely off-putting.