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冬天他们向南做反向的迁徙。In winter they return southwards.

浪涛沿着海岸向南涌去。The surge travelled southwards along the coast.

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最北的种族有必要南移。The most northerly races have to be transferred southwards.

这些鸟春天向北移栖,秋天向南移栖。These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall.

这些鸟在春天移栖北方,秋天移栖南方。These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall.

洪水穿越群山一路南进。Right across the mountains, the floodwaters carve their way southwards.

最后第20师的侧翼崩溃了,他们向南方撤去。Eventually the 20th Division was out-flanked and forced to fall back southwards.

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我所能想到的就是,当我躺在这里的时候,我们正在不断往南漂移。All I can think of is that while I'm lying here we're constantly drifting southwards.

有报导说,洪水正在朝着南部的旁遮普省和信德省方向移动。Floodwaters were also reportedly moving southwards towards Punjab and Sindh provinces.

建筑的倾斜面朝南,在冬天可以接受到更多的日照。The southwards slant of the roof maximizes the building's exposure to winter sunlight.

天津市土地级别调查结果显示,天津市城市重心整体南移。Tianjin land level findings indicate that the overall focus of Tianjin city southwards.

拖延了两周后,他往南行驶,寻找通向西方的航道。After two weeks' delay he set sail southwards in search of the passage through to the west.

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来自中国,陈随后蔓延到越南向南和向东至韩国和日本。From China, Chan subsequently spread southwards to Vietnam and eastwards to Korea and Japan.

当“骷髅”师供给受阻后,转而向东南和“维京”师合兵一处。When the Totenkopf hit a strong pak-front, it, too, turned southwards to join Wiking's push.

随后的两年时间里,他们又有了向南传播基督教的新想法。A couple of years later there were again new ideas about extension, but this time southwards.

白垩纪晚期,南极大陆向南移动,并于中新世早期到达现在位置。In Late Cretaceous, Antarctica moved southwards and to the present position in Early Miocene.

预计随着种群数量的递增,一旦出现急剧降温等情况它们就可能大举南迁。It is expected that they will migrate southwards at the first sign of a steep temperature drop.

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永嘉南渡后颜氏家族政治地位得以提升。The political status of the family was elevated after the Migration Southwards of Yongjia Years.

在4月就已发现这些冰向南向西涌进了波弗特海和楚科奇海。The ice was flushed southwards and westward into the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, as noted in April.

大运河纵贯河北、山东、江苏、浙江四省。The Grand Canal flows southwards through the four provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.