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灾后四处可见的是车辆。The leitmotif of the disaster is cars.

于是张艺谋把菊花作为影片的视觉主题。Zhang makes the chrysanthemum the film's visual leitmotif.

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而这最后一次正是本书的主旨所在。This last event, which almost concludes the book, is its leitmotif.

组合及布局的原则形成了总体城市和建筑的主旋律。The principle of joining and layering forms the general urban and architectural leitmotif.

与现在一样,过去的统治者利用历史来构建现实,这是标记在几乎每个时代的主题思想。Then, as now, rulers used history to shape the present, a leitmotif that has marked almost every era.

这是他最初的主题被无看地遮蔽,只因他缺少自我教育。But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over-showed through the lack of a good self-education.

这是他起先的主题被有望地掩藏,只因他短缺自我教育。But thatisbecause his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over-shadowed through the lack of a good self-education.

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但那是由于缺乏良好的自我修养,人最初的主旋律就已投上了无望的阴影。But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over shadowed through the lack of a good self education.

这是他最初的主题被无望地遮掩,,只因他缺少良好的自我教导。But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over-shadowed through the lack of a good self-education.

但那是由于缺乏良好的自我修养,人最初的主旋律就已投上了无望的阴影。But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over-shadowed through the lack of a good self-education.

这一主旨也通过一系列其他空间构件向观者提出了挑战,如迷宫一般的走廊和没有人形洞口的立面。This leitmotif challenges the viewer through a series of other spatial elements, such as labyrinth-like corridors and façades without perceivable openings.

实际上,卡扎菲毫无理性的思维在他自己于1975年发行的绿宝书里表现的淋漓尽致。In fact utter irrationality has long been the leitmotif of Gaddafi's thought, as is proved by his 1975 work of political and social philosophy, The Green Book.

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同样在其他地方,穆斯林的不满情绪亦开始与反资本主义或反全球化运动发生化学反应,这些运动的共同标签就是“憎恨布什政府及其所作所为”。But in many other places, too, Muslim grievance has been yoked to a broader anti-capitalist or anti-globalist movement whose leitmotif is loathing of the Bush administration and all its works.