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与维琴察的平局已经是过去的新闻了。The draw with Vicenza is yesterday's news.

维琴查是很不错的对手,他们为我们制造了一些麻烦。Vicenza are a good side and they gave us troubles.

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德尚对于周六面对维琴查的挑战和威胁有着充分的心理准备。Deschamps is well-informed on the threat Vicenza will pose on Saturday.

我对对手表现出来的努力感到吃惊,并且惊讶他们能否在未来继续自己的表现。I wonder how many times the Vicenza player's going to come up with an effort like that in the future.

主帅深深地认识到对阵维琴查的比赛对于斑马军团的整个赛季而言有多么重要。The head coach is aware of just how important the game against Vicenza is to the Bianconeri's season.

本周六下午,帕拉迪诺将随尤文赶赴客场对阵由格雷古齐执教的维琴查。On Saturday afternoon, Palladino will go head to head with his former mentor as Juventus take on Vicenza.

这个传说开始于1967年2月18日意大利维琴察北部小镇卡尔多戈诺。On the 18th of February, 1967, this legend started in Caldogno, a small town in the north of Vicenza in Italy.

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博季诺夫的乐观情绪正是本赛季我们所需要的,尤其是在被维琴察逼平的现在这个阶段。His optimistic approach is exactly what's needed at this stage of the season, especially after the draw with Vicenza.

义大利东北部城市维琴察的一家法院裁决维琴察市的「金色贝克」酒店展出龙虾的行为属于虐待龙虾,因为将龙虾放在冰块中展出会导致龙虾因窒息而缓慢死亡。A court in then or theastern city of vicenza ruled the display was af or m of abuse dooming the crustaceans to a slow death by suffocation.

在这个困难的赛季里,尤其是在对维琴查的无奈平局后,小伙子的乐观情绪正是大家十分需要的。His optimistic approach is exactly what's needed at this stage of the season, especially after the draw with Vicenza. "Is the coach angry?"

事实上,维琴察又有帕拉底欧之城的美名,整个市中心也因为大师留下来的重要作品,被联合国列入世界遗产名录之中。Both sites were important works that Palladio left behind. Vicenza actually enters the World Heritage List for its richness of Palladian works.

他的能力毋庸置疑,在维琴察的比赛中他就清楚证明了自己的实力,那场比赛只是最后阶段全队的松懈让所有努力毁于一旦。His ability is not in question, as his glitzy performance against Vicenza clearly demonstrated, and on that day it was only the final result that let the team down.

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维琴察除了是世界黄金饰品重镇以外,也因为十六世纪两位著名的建筑师帕拉底欧与其弟子斯卡莫齐闻名于世。Vicenza is not only famous for its gold fairs. Its fame also comes from two world renowned architects, Andrea Palladio and his pupil Vicenza Scamozzi, in the 16th century.

我就叫他去买来,酒来后我把找钱赏给他,接着便和邻座的人喝个大醉,一直睡到过了维琴察城才醒来,在地板上大吐了一阵。I told him to get it and when it came I gave him the change and the man beside me and I got drunk and slept until past Vicenza where I woke up and was very sick on the floor.

在接受了作为最佳外籍射手的荣誉之后,特雷泽盖马上打破了他125球的纪录,在于维琴察的比赛中再次打入一球。Having received the award for top foreign goal scorer, David Trezeguet then set about breaking his own personal record of 125 goals, netting another in the victory over Vicenza.

在新建的体育中心,尤文图斯2-1击败了维琴察成功取得三分,进球的分别是特雷泽盖和皮耶罗。The Bianconeri notched up a 2-1 victory over Vicenza at the newly reconstructed Stadio Comunale, now titled Stadio Grande Torino, with goals from Trezeguet and Alessandro Del Piero.

在所有的文艺复兴国家之中,16世纪的维琴察为人瞩目,这里有帕拉迪奥会你建造别墅,还有机会参观几位威尼斯城艺术家们的画坊,在今天他们的作品摆满了博物馆。Of all the Renaissance states, Vicenza in the 16th century stands out, with Palladio to build you a villa and a chance to studio-crawl round some of the Venetian artists who fill our museums today.

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在意大利北部的维琴察,猫肉被吃了好多年,这是当地的一种菜谱就像在中国广州一样。In northern Italy, the people of Vicenza have been known for very many years in the past to consume cats just like cats are consumed as staple part of the local diet to the people of Guangdong, China.