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液化石油气加气机。Liquefied Petroleum Gas Dispenser.

药剂师立刻照处方为我配了药。The dispenser quickly filled the prescription for me.

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她是恩惠的施予者和恐惧的驱除者。She is the Dispenser of boons and the Dispeller of fear.

我径直走向那台红白相间的巨大的老自动售货机。I walked directly to the big old red-and-white dispenser.

这楼层的电梯旁边有一台制冰机。There's an ice dispenser near the elevator on this floor.

在义大利,一名发明人士发明瞭一种自动圣水机。In Italy an inventor devised an electronic holy water dispenser.

为什么做一个工作用电脑啤酒贩卖机。Why not create a working beer dispenser with a computer chassis.

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啤酒倒酒器能让你避免倒罐装啤酒的时候把酒洒出来。Beer Hour dispenser will help you pour canned beer without spills.

这台机器的概念是基于一台巧克力机而来。The machine was based on the concept of a chocolate bar dispenser.

我强忍住眼泪从纸筒里拿出纸巾来把水擦掉。I mopped it up with napkins from the dispenser and tried not to cry.

厨房是一个标准组件的单元,包括一个水分配器和一个烤箱。The galley is a modular unit that contains a water dispenser and an oven.

CWS毛巾卷分配器的智能系统防止了滥用。The intelligent dispenser system for CWS cotton towel rolls prevents misuse.

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每个容器里都有一卷高密度的垃圾袋。Each Bag It dispenser comes filled with a roll of 12 high-density trash bags.

另外,我们将忽略分发器对象的初步创建过程。Furthermore, we will gloss over the initial creation of the dispenser object.

琼·里奇蒙在银行使用付现机时遇到了麻烦。June Richmond is having trouble working the cash dispenser at the Higashi Bank.

用这些来收集细丝带——易拉罐可使分类罐更完美。Use these to corral narrow ribbon—the flip-top lid makes the perfect dispenser.

其次介绍了一种新型的高压钠灯用储备式电极。A new kind of dispenser electrodes for high pressure sodium lamp has been developed.

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解决这些问题的一个流行解决方案是使用数据库来储存分发器。A popular solution to these problems is to use a database for holding the dispenser.

目的观察紫外线在直饮水机中的杀菌效果。Objective To observe the germicidal efficacy of ultraviolet rays in water dispenser.

绦虫是这片地带的任何一卷胶带即时磁带分割器。Tapeworm is a strip that slides into any roll of tape for an instant tape dispenser.