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我们都羡慕他在语言方面的造诣。We all envy him his linguistic attainments.

他的成就远不如他的兄弟。His attainments are far below his brother's.

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不要满意你目前所有的。Rest no longer satisfied with they dwarfish attainments.

对你的出众才华和文学造诣的赏识。Appreciation of your high talents and literary attainments.

然后呢,她们在诗词和绘画方面都有很高的造诣。Then it, poetry and painting them in both high attainments.

对艺术家有时候甚至影响在当代艺术上的造诣。Sometimes even of the artist in contemporary artistic attainments.

聪明的人是不会娶有才无德的女子为妻的。A wise man will not marry a woman who has attainments but no virtue.

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苏东坡信仰佛教,对佛学颇有造诣。Sudongpo believed in Buddism and he was possessed of great attainments in it.

陶渊明诗文创作在艺术上具有独特风格和极高的造诣。Tao Yuanming's posies show very unique style and great and high attainments in citation.

你母亲和我一道祝贺你学业上的巨大成就。Your mother joins with me in congratulating you on your wonderful scholastic attainments.

这位老教授因其国学方面的造诣在文学界享有很高的声誉。The old professor enjoys a high reputation in literary circles for his attainments in sinology.

老舍,是现代中国剧坛上少数极有造诣的伟大剧作家之一。Laoshe is the minority of great playwrights in Chinese dramatic world with extremely attainments.

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本公司在广东经过20多年的不懈努力对颜色已有一定的造诣。This company in guangdong after 20 years of unremitting efforts to color has certain attainments.

以词闻名的姜夔在诗歌创作方面也有独到的造诣。Jiang Kui who has the original attainments in the poetry creation aspect is also well-known by Ci.

此种未证谓证‘未得谓得,是属于大妄语的行为。This kind of false certification and false attainments falls under the behavior of 'major reckless speech.

她不仅是一个模型,同时也是一个比较有造诣的歌星和演员。She is not only a model, simultaneously is also a comparison has the attainments singing star and the actor.

社会生活为他的全部努力和成就提供了那个无意识的集体和背景。The social life gives the unconscious unity and the background of all his efforts and of all his attainments.

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傅雷是中国著名的法国文学翻译家,同时也是一位造诣深厚的艺术家。Fu Lei was a well-known translator of French literature in China as well as an artist with profound attainments.

教研室的老师均各有所长,在自己的研究领域中做出了比较突出的成绩,已发表了几十篇专业论文及数部著作。In token of the high attainments in their relevant fields, scores of theses and several works have been published.

在宋诗研究方面,白敦仁先生也达到很高的造诣,体现了其广博精微的特点。Bai has great attainments in the field of Song poem studies, displaying the width and depth of his broad knowledge.