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佛瑞斯特一直都认为美国处在十字路口。Forester has long believed the U.S. is at a crossroads.

下午股市大涨之后,佛瑞斯特认为一切终于回归正轨。After a big afternoon run-up, Forester thought everything might be back on track.

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仁慈象王就把此人带到自己隐居的地方。Then the Enlightenment Being took the forester to his own secluded dwelling place.

它开创了一个全新的汽车细分市场,就是现在类似于斯巴鲁森林人这种车型所处的细分市场。It started a whole new segment, one that lives on today in cars like the Subaru Forester.

2008年基金业真正的问题并不关于福雷斯特,而是关于2,800名基金经理中的其余大多数人。The real questions about 2008 aren't about Tom Forester. They're about most of the other 2,800.

标普500指数在周四超过周二的高点之后,佛瑞斯特认为市场将会转好。Once the S&P 500 passed Tuesday's high during trading on Thursday, Forester thought things would get better.

视线再往后,斯巴鲁提供了最大的载物能力和充足的后座空间。Beyond the outstanding visibility, the Forester has the most cargo capacity of the group and roomy rear seats.

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一个林务官和一个律师都在车祸中死了,他们一起来到了天国之门。Shelby G-Town MD USA. A forester and a lawyer were in car accident and showed up at the pearly gates together.

弗兰克问年轻人要喝什么,年轻人要了同样的酒。是老林务员威士忌。Frank asked the young fellow what he would drink and the young fellow took the same. The whisky was Old Forester.

这笔额外拨款将帮助SRC公司将FORESTER系统的研发从原型机向野外操作系统过渡。The additional funding will help SRC to transition the FORESTER system from a prototype to an operationally fielded system.

但是周一股市暴跌之后,佛瑞斯特看着手头的指数看跌期权,心想,“我真该多买点。”But after Monday's bloodbath, Forester was looking at the index puts and thinking, "Wow, I wish I had a lot more of these things."

该林务员需要通过处理不同数据图层,如森林、河流以及道路,来计算原木价值。After processing the different layers of data, such as forest stands, streams, and roads, the forester would need to calculate the timber value.

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田母不赞同大林和寡妇王惠芸一起,大林却赌气,说自己会一直照顾王惠芸。Tian mother dont agree with regional forester and widow Wang Huiyun together, but chose a pique, say that they will always take care of Wang Huiyun.

另外280万美元是通过2009年综合安全、灾难援助和持续拨款法案关于FORESTER技术改进获得的拨款。An additional $2.8 million was secured through the 2009 Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance and Continuing Appropriations Act for FORESTER technology improvements.

流行的小型森林人SUV,已经赢得了很多赞扬之声,其中包括ALG评选的2011最高转卖价值汽车奖项。Its popular small Forester SUV, for example, has won many accolades, including a 2011 award from ALG for having a higher predicted resale value than any other compact utility vehicle.

为小树林主提供咨询服务的森林学者柯克�汉森说,另外一种策略就是让树林主直接和同样小规模的专卖店挂钩。Professional forester Kirk Hansen consults with small woodlot owners. He says another strategy might be to connect a landowner directly with one specialty shop operating on a similarly small scale.