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他们利用了他的轻信。They traded on his credulity.

他利用了我的轻信。He has practised on my credulity.

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她利用了我的轻信大获成功。She has practised upon my credulity with huge success.

对于她那样痴心的轻信,愤怒和抗议又有什么用呢?What use were anger and protestations against her silly credulity?

早期时候,在这个领域考古偏于轻信臆测。In the early days, archaeology of the region tended toward credulity.

这一机制作用于对于代表着软弱的受害者的轻信的否定。This mechanism acts to deny credulity to the victim who represents weakness.

他们有着真实的一面,是现今圆滑骗信之风所不能企及的。There was a truth to them that all the slick credulity of today cannot touch.

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因为他的奴态成为了暴君的猎物,因为他的轻信顽固成为了启蒙的天敌。By its servility it is the prey of tyranny, and by its credulity it is the foe of enlightenment.

利比亚人民早就对这种荒唐事见怪不怪,但是他们轻信的毛病最近又重新抬头。Libyans have had a long time to grow used to such ironies , but their credulity has lately been stretched anew.

dot-com繁荣体现了美国式经济乐观主义与轻信的机会主义特点。The dot-com boom was a characteristically opportunistic expression of American economic optimism and credulity.

然而,我也相信询问、质疑、探索与怀疑,但拒绝轻信或盲从的信仰。However, I believe in questionings, doubtings, searchings, skepticism, and I discredit credulity or blind faith.

背信和欺诈是文明国家的丑行,荒蛮之地的居民则是轻信和暴力。Perfidy and fraud are the vices of civilized nations, credulity and violence those of the inhabitants of the desert.

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这个机制利用大众的“机会主义心理”和“轻信与跟风”的特质为政府敛财,让少部分人发家。The system takes advantage of their opportunism and credulity to collect money for the government and to enrich the few.

“不要被卷入”、不要被当成傻子的动机提供了最强有力的普遍的对于轻信的防御机制。The desire 'not to be taken in', not to be taken for a fool, provides one of the most powerful and common defence mechanism against credulity.

巴黎春天本来经营木材交易、廉价家具、图书销售、消费信贷和非洲汽车经纪业务,和奢侈品业风马牛不相及,却冒然进入,此举让外界颇生疑虑。收购古奇的过程拖了很久。PPR's hubris in dashing into a sector so removed from its own world of timber trading, cheap furniture, bookselling, consumer credit and African car dealerships has stretched credulity.

如此压倒性的结果超过了大多数的人可以相信的极限,也同样让那些急于让大选结果迅速取信于民的西方大国感到十分难堪。Such an overwhelming result would stretch credulity to breaking point for many people, as well as being a severe embarrassment for the western powers anxious for the election to be accepted quickly.