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洛尼总是呱呱地说。Rodney always croaked and said.

他就是这样的新秀之一。Rodney Stuckey is one of those rookies.

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我们实际上能够把罗得尼的发丝向下拉一点。We can actually pull Rodney 's hairline down a bit.

罗德尼把所有的行李都留在了机场。Incorrect Rodney left all his baggages at the airport.

罗德尼希茨无法停止对森林采伐的思考。Rodney Sheets couldn’t stop thinking about deforestation.

罗德尼.斯莱特放弃了为州检察长史蒂夫.克拉克工作,到我这里来帮忙。Rodney Slater left Attorney General Steve Clark’s staff to help.

于是一个机器人新主角,用铜板包底的罗德尼出现了。Thus enters the young protagonist of Robots, Rodney Copperbottom.

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小泰勒的父亲海军中士罗德尼?比斯利驻扎在伊拉克。Tylers, father Marine Sergeant Rodney Beasley, is stationed Iraq.

我开始觉得还是像罗德尼。詹姆斯扮演矮灌木比较爽。I'm starting to think Rodney James got a better deal as the Shrub.

罗德尼金在1991年的这一声呼吁,已成为我们国家常用语。Rodney King's 1991 plea has become part of our nation's vernacular.

想想斯塔基给活塞新主帅麦克尔克里留下多么深刻的印象吧。Just how impressed is new Pistons head coach Michael Curry with Rodney Stuckey?

如果你们希望孩子将来进入执法部门,那就给他起名为比利、特洛伊或罗德尼。Looking for someone in law enforcement? Simply call on a Billy, Troy or Rodney.

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1991年白人警察对黑人罗德尼•金毒打所造成的影响仍挥之不去。The beating by white cops of Rodney King, a black man, in 1991, was still festering.

在后来的19年中,罗德尼.斯莱特、卡罗尔.威利斯和鲍勃.纳什一直都跟着我。Rodney Slater, Carol Willis, and Bob Nash stayed with me for the next nineteen years.

Rodney承担了爸爸的活儿,比如帮忙训练Ethan的小联盟棒球队。Rodney does daddyish things such as helping to coach Ethan's little-league baseball team.

彼得·蒂·赛沃走了进来,他做的第一件事就是给了罗德尼一个恳求似的、瘦长得难看的外表。Peter de seve came in, and the first thing he did was give Rodney an appealing lanky look.

Landings项目位于罗德尼湾,占地19英亩,由总部位于科罗拉多州的酒店集团Rockresorts管理。The Landings, on 19 acres at Rodney Bay is managed by Colorado-based hotel group Rockresorts.

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急需求财的洛尼和利安,在洛尼父母家的地下室开了一间低成本的脱衣舞俱乐部。Desperate for money Rodney and Leon start up a low budget strip club in Rodney s parents basement.

这本著作的英文版译者罗德尼•尼达姆在译文导言中对该著作进行了致命的批评。The translator of English edition Rodney Needham puts deadly criticisms on it in the introduction.

但是尝试和超越在学校的水平。But try and rise above the level of the schoolyard. Think Jon Stewart rather than Rodney Dangerfield.