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或者是冷热交替。Or alternate heat and cold.

她隔日工作。She works on alternate days.

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创建一个预备启动盘。Create an alternate boot disk.

走好运与倒霉交替发生。Good times alternate with bad.

替代文件传输选项。Alternate file transfer options.

他隔日来这里一次。He comes here on alternate days.

农民通常轮种。Farmers usually alternate their crops.

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开始交替鼻孔呼吸。Start with alternate nostril breathing.

我觉得我和阿莱克斯转换衔接的还算不错。I think me and Alex alternate quite well.

她不再是那个轮番变幻的魔女了。She was no longer the alternate succubus.

我和他隔日轮流打扫我们的房间。He and I clean our room on alternate days.

每隔一个块倒转块的位顺序。Reverse the bit order of alternate blocks.

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汤姆和哈里隔日轮流做这工作。Tom and Harry do the work on alternate days.

他从未期待获得其他的解决方法。He never wanted to have an alternate solution.

三亚市也因此别称“鹿城”。Sanya also therefore alternate name "Lucheng".

一番交谈令两人互生惺惺相惜之情。A talk to two people alternate like knows like.

候补名称为代表处葡萄在西班牙。Alternate name for the Grenache grape in Spain.

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它每隔一年在罗马和日内瓦轮流举行会议。It meets in alternate years in Rome and Geneva.

交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。Alternate cubes of meat and slices of red pepper.

交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。Alternate cubes of meat with slices of red pepper.