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海洋和圣卡塔利娜岛一直吸引了我。The ocean and Santa Catalina Island has always drawn me.

两人逃逸对卡塔利娜岛目的地的绑匪。The pair escape their captors at the destination on Catalina Island.

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周日,他因心脏病死于他位于卡塔利娜港口的船上。He died from a heart attack aboard his boat in Catalina Harbor on Sunday.

很多人认为去香格里拉卡塔利娜已经说过多少乐趣,他们在晚上了。A lot of people that went to La Catalina have talked about how much fun they had at night.

在她34岁的时候,她的目标是成为第一位从卡达利娜岛游向加利福尼亚海岸的女性。At age 34, her goal was to become the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast.

在加利福尼亚的圣塔卡特莱那岛,消防员扼制了大火蔓延岛上主要城市的危险。On California Santa Catalina Island, firefighters turned back flames threatening the island's main city.

34岁的她现在的目标是成为第一个从卡塔利娜岛游到加利福尼亚海岸的妇女。Now, at age 34, her goal was to become the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast.

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弗洛伦斯·查德威尅成了第一位游过卡塔利娜海峡的妇女,并比男子纪录早了两个小时。Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel, eclipsing the men's record by two hours!

弗洛伦斯·查德维克成为第一个游过卡特林娜海峡的女性,而且还比男子纪录快了两个小时!Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel, eclipsing6 the men's record by two hours!

卡特琳娜岛,加利福尼亚最著名的海峡岛屿,海岸延伸至洛杉矶仅仅22英里。Catalina Island, the most famous of California's Channel Islands, is only 22 miles off the shore from Los Angeles.

墨西哥圣塔卡特莱那岛响尾蛇在2007受威胁物种红色名录中被列为极危动物。Mexico's Santa Catalina Island rattlesnake has been classified as critically endangered on the 2007 IUCN Red List.

这个故事的进展,通过蒙特斯'出轨,其中包括他的脸与华金小康卡塔利娜与内地之间的水域。The story progresses through Montés' escapades, including his face-off with Joaquin in the waters between Catalina and the Mainland.

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作为一个年轻的男孩,出生在圣佩德罗,加利福尼亚州,洛杉矶港长大,我迷上了卡塔利娜岛地块。As a young boy, born and raised in San Pedro, California, the Port of Los Angeles, I was fascinated by the landmass of Catalina Island.

夏洛特•本克尔和卡塔里娜•卡雷罗目前都还没有打破法国人让娜•卡尔曼的长寿纪录,她1997年亡故时是122岁。Both Charlotte Benkner and Catalina Carowlay have not broken through the record kept by Jeanne Calment, a Frenchwoman who died in 1997 at age 122.

它就是PBY卡特琳娜在中途岛海战胜利中发挥关键作用报告了南云舰队的位置。It was a PBY Catalina seaplane that reported the location of Admiral Nagumo's fleet setting the stage for the American victory at the Battle of Midway.

圣塔-卡塔琳娜岛虽小,但约有400多种本地植物,其中部分植物只在该岛上生长,另外180种则是外来植物。Despite its small size, Santa Catalina is home to roughly 400 native plant species, some of them unique to the island, and about 180 introduced plant species.

一些美国的繁殖户已经成功杂交了多种金刚鹦鹉,其中最流行的是蓝黄金刚与绯红金刚的杂交,其混血后代被称为卡塔林那金刚。Some breeders in America have crossed various macaw species, where the most popular is blue and gold mated to scarlet, with the resultant youngsters called catalina macaws.

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目前国家历史博物馆仍在进行中的发掘工作,主要集中在岛上的“圣卡特琳娜戴高乐”教会上,该教会在17世纪的大多数时间里由圣芳济会的传教士组成。The American Museum of Natural History's ongoing dig has focused on the island's mission of Santa Catalina de Guale, inhabited by Franciscan missionaries for much of the 17th century.

在1987年的一次例行探险中,一群海洋学家在南加州海岸外,通过潜水器阿尔文潜入海底,为圣卡塔利娜盆地描绘那典型的贫瘠、荒芜的海底地貌。On a routine expedition in 1987, oceanographers in the submersible Alvin were mapping the typically barren, nutrient-poor seafloor in the Santa Catalina Basin, off the shore of southern California.

虽然残骸仅仅位于多米尼加共和国圣卡塔利娜岛海岸的70英尺处,水深不到10英尺,但是这些年来却未被发掘,实在是令人称奇。It is remarkable that the wreck has remained undiscovered all these years given its location, just 70 feet off the coast of Catalina Island in the Dominican Republic in less than 10 feet of seawater.