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感觉想睡了?Feeling sleepy?

这就是感觉。This is feeling.

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土状一个感觉。An earthy feeling.

极乐。Feeling very happy.

那是我的感觉。That is my feeling.

穿出混搭的感觉。Wear a mix feeling.

心情似雪碧!Feeling like Sprite!

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我知道这种感觉。I know that feeling.

我们知道这种感受。We know the feeling.

你伤了我的感情。You hurt my feeling.

你冷不冷?。Are you feeling cold?

我觉得身体不惬心。I'm not feeling well.

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最近感觉易怒吗?Feeling crabby lately?

它是感觉的深度。It’s depth of feeling.

你知道那种感觉。You know that feeling.

我也有同样的感受。Ihave the same feeling.

你自己感觉到这种震慑力了吗?Do you get that feeling?

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他鳡到很头晕。He's feeling very dizzy.

今日你觉得怎么样?。How re you feeling tody?

我感觉有点微醉。I'm feeling a bit tipsy.