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精巢的发育具有季节性。The spermary develops seasonally.

精子多是睾丸造的吗?Is spermatozoon spermary more build?

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精巢壶腹中充满各时相的精原细胞、精母细胞和精子。There are spermatic gomums, spermatids and sperms in the spermary.

睾丸的生殖细胞会演变成精子。The reproductive cell joint performance of spermary becomes spermatozoon.

本试验从雄性鲤鱼雌激素水平和精巢生理生化方面评价了阿维菌素对鲤鱼的生殖毒性。ACP, AKP and LDH of male fish spermary were chosen to evaluate genotoxicity to fish.

动脉有睾丸动脉、输精管动脉及提睾肌动脉。Artery has spermary artery, seminiferous duct artery and artery of the flesh that carry Gao.

研究提取淡水鱼精巢中的核蛋白和鱼精蛋白的工艺条件。The extraction process of nucleoprotein and protamine from freshwater fish spermary was studied.

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男性可能已累及前列腺、睾丸、附睾,女性已累及附件、子宫等。The maleLikelihood already drag in prostate, spermary , epididymis, FemaleAlready drag in accessory, uterus.

实验点与对照点相比,钉螺生殖腺丰满度的月份变化不相一致。The dimension of snail's spermary or ovary varied with month and the trend was not identical among the spots.

睾丸虽然藏在两腿之间的隐蔽处,但受伤的机会并不比别处少。Although spermary hides in the shadow between two legs, but wounded opportunity is not compared somewhere else little.

结果表明,鲤鱼精巢DNA可明显提高自然衰老小鼠体内抗氧化酶的活性。The results showed that DNA from carp spermary could enhance the activities of these enzymes in naturally senile mice.

鲤鱼精巢DNA可明显保护细胞膜和线粒体免受活性氧自由基的氧化损伤。DNA from carp spermary can provent cell membrane and mitochondria from oxidative damage induced by reactive oxygen series.

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马氏巴蜗牛的生殖系统由十二个器官组成。The genital system of Bradybaena maacki consists of twelve organs. The hermaphroditic glands are made of spermary and ovary.

结果表明,玉米螟赤眼蜂雄蜂在羽化时或羽化后很短的时间内其精巢就已发育成熟,成虫期不再形成新的精子。The results showed that spermary of T. ostriniae had been set before the eclosion and no sperm was produced in the adult stage.

睾丸受伤,通常疼痛难忍,那位歌手能坚持完成演出,可见其意志力之强。Spermary gets hurt, bear hard sorely normally, that singer can insist to achieve a performance, those who see its psychokinesis is strong.

目的对海洋软体动物鱿鱼精巢组织鱼精核蛋白提取物进行食用安全性评价。Objective To assess the food safety of the squid nucleoprotein derived from squid spermary as natural functional composition in health food.

本试验为从淡水鱼精巢中摸索较为简易的提取DNA方法,为综合利用淡水鱼类资源开辟新途径。It is a simple method for extracting DNA from fresh-water-fish's spermary. Itwill open up a new way for using the whole resource of fresh-water fish.

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这时的原始性腺原基分泌的睾丸酮对男性生殖器官分化形成起着决定性作用。At this moment primitive sexual gland former base excretive spermary ketone is right become divided of male reproduction organ forms a move decisive action.

一般情况,睾丸内精子必须在35℃左右的环境中才能正常发育,温度过高就会死亡。General situation, the ability in the environment that the spermatozoon inside spermary must control in 35 ℃ is normal development, temperature is met high too death.

此外,菌尿症可引起前列腺、副睾、精囊或睾丸的感染,此时可依靠局部症状诊断。In addition, disease of bacterium make water can cause the infection of prostate, deputy Gao, seminal vesicle or spermary , can rely on local symptom to diagnose right now.