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然后,它们长出了黄绿色绒毛,在阳光中产生了淡淡的清新的气息。Later, they grow chartreuse fuzz, making pale green auras in the sun.

接着会张出黄绿色的绒叶,在阳光下映出淡绿的光辉。Later, they grow chartreuse fuzz , making pale green auras in the sun.

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我好喜欢花花绿绿且大胆的图案,橘红色、黄绿色已经取代我去年经历的灰色时期。Persimmon and chartreuse have replaced the seriously gray phase that I went through last year.

这样,每件都很搭,你就不用担心你那淡黄绿色的裤子要配什么衣服了。This way, everything matches, and you don’t have to worry about what goes with your chartreuse blouse.

粉红色和黄绿色的椅子和哈密瓜色的沙发十分相配,让房间显得阳光又温暖。It is a warm and sunny room and the pink is a perfect compliment to the chartreuse chairs and melon sofa.

马赛克墙面与塑料制品给这个厨房增添了不少清新与时尚的气息。A porcelain mosaic tiled wall and plastic stools in chartreuse give this kitchen a refreshing, modern look.

我喜欢西瓜绿或者南瓜绿的软饵,然后喜欢在饵的尾部加一点黄绿色。I prefer watermelon or green pumpkin soft plastics and like to add a little chartreuse coloring on the tail.

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直径3英寸的黄绿色的圆盘里点缀着23个莲子房,并且被尚未发育完全的花粉囊所环绕。The chartreuse circle, three inches in diameter, is dotted with 23 seed holders and ringed by immature pollen sacs.

倒入金酒,柠檬汁和石榴糖浆,加入碎冰,搅合,注入黄色沙特勒。Pour gin, lemon juice and grenadine into a wine glass filled with crushed ice, stir, and float the yellow chartreuse on top.

这个狡猾的徘徊于绿与黄之间的色调被称为“黄绿色”,对大多数女人来说,它也毫无疑问是最难穿的颜色。That tricky color between green and yellow is called chartreuse and it has to be one of the most difficult colors to wear for most women.

正当其数额光明色如浅黄或橙色能吸引男低音正如太多美好色彩有时又下岗了!Just the right amount of a bright color such as orange or chartreuse can attract bass, just as too much of a bright color can sometimes turn them off!

倾听逝去的时代,花色为大胆明亮的深宝石般的紫色、红色和蓝色,衬以深浅不一的橙色、亮粉红和黄绿色,形成鲜明对比。Harkening back to another by-gone era, the colors in flowers are bold, bright jewel tones in deep purples, reds and blues, set off by strong contrasting shades of orange, hot pink and chartreuse.