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这契约无效。The contract is void.

所以在这里,我声明。void So here, I say void.

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那份遗嘱被宣告无效。The will was adjudged void.

用珍珠条将槽尾空余处填充。Fill void with epe sheeting.

空虚永远都填不满。Forever cannot fill up void.

我意思是,void表明是没有输入。I say, void to specify no input.

呜呼,可怜人类,空洞的故事!Alas, poor mortal, void of story!

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虚空之牢结束前的安全点。Safe spot until Void Prison ends.

仙人生活在太虚之中。Celestials live in the great void.

这样你可以在更小的空间存活下来。You can survive in a smaller void.

这部著作试图填补一项空白。The work is intended to fill a void.

并非所有机构都能够填补市场空隙.Not everyone is able to fill the void.

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他心中有悲痛的空虚感.There was an aching void in his heart.

这里是void,我们之前也看过。void Now void, we've seen void before.

好的。,Void,foo。,All,right。,这个适合开玩笑。void foo It's appropriate to make fun.

合同被宣告无效。The contract was declared null and void.

婚姻已宣告无效了。The marriage was declared null and void.

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无效婚姻可以成立重婚罪。The void marriage can be tenable bigamy.

这些玩家组成一个叫做“空虚碾碎机”的队伍。Their team was called the Void Crushers.

可是我甚至都不确定那种空虚是什么怎样造成的。I am not even sure what kind of void it was.