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图雷特综合症。Tourette syndrome.

空巢综合症?Empty Nest Syndrome?

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独身主义综合症是神话吗?Is celibacy syndrome a myth?

有肠易激综合症?Have irritable bowel syndrome?

了解干燥性综合征。Understand Sjogren's syndrome.

什么是格林巴利综合症?What is Guillain-Barre syndrome?

MMF是一种普通的的疾病或综合征吗?Q2. Is MMF a general disease or syndrome?

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他们说她患有肠道激惹综合征。They said she had irritable bowel syndrome.

在婴儿中,二手烟雾可造成猝死综合征。In infants, it causes sudden death syndrome.

证候是中医药核心理论之一。Syndrome is one of the core theories of TCM.

什么维生素对干眼综合征有好处?What vitamins are good for dry eye syndrome?

所有你知道的就是他们患有唐氏综合症。All you know is that they have Down syndrome.

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猫叫综合症状可怕么?。Does the cat call syndrome shape dreariness ?

我想到了急性戒断综合症。I thought about post-acute-withdrawal syndrome.

它与腕管综合症有何不同呢?How is it different from carpal tunnel syndrome?

肾病综合症的症状和体征包括Signs and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome include

这种状况称之为流产综合症。This condition is called Post-Abortion Syndrome.

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柯兴氏综合征是一种严重但罕见的疾病。Cushing's syndrome is a serious but rare disease.

你是否曾患格一巴二氏综合症?Do you have a history of Guillian Barre Syndrome?

我们能做什么来避免节后综合症?。So what can we do to avoid post-holiday syndrome?