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串通式价格领导具有寡占市场的特征。Collusive price leadership characterizes oligopolistic markets.

卡特尔是寡头垄断市场中厂商的一种重要勾结形式。Cartel was an important collusive way of firms in the oligopoly market.

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在安全性方面,B-树方案能够抵抗联合攻击。In addition, the B-tree-based scheme is secure against collusive attacks.

这样的私下协议难以维系,是有多方面原因的So there are various reasons why it's hard to maintain this collusive agreement.

卡特尔——生产者对产品限制和提高价格行为的集体协议。Cartel----A collusive agreement among producers to restrict production and raise prices.

所以设计指纹算法的关键问题是如何防范合谋攻击。How to defense collusive attack is the key problems for the designing of fingerprinting.

第二章,论证这种审美观念与经济的共谋关系。The second chapter illustrates the collusive relations between aesthetic views and economy.

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我觉得我们本可以团结合作的,但是我看在这个博弈中不行Well I guess I thought we could be more collusive and kind of work together, but I guess not.

“传媒偶像崇拜”反映了现代偶像、大众传媒与受众之间的一种“共谋”的关系。The media idolatry reflected collusive relationship among modern idol, mass media and audiences.

抗合谋攻击是数字指纹技术中需要解决的关键问题之一。How to defense collusive attack is one of the key problems when designing fingerprinting algorithms.

方案具有门限群签名方案的所有性质,可以抵御合谋攻击,并具有前向安全的特性。The scheme has all the properties of thresh- old group signature and can resist the collusive attack.

因此说想要通过私下协议来,维持垄断产量,是非常困难的So it's going to be pretty difficult for us to sustain this joint monopoly output, this collusive agreement.

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尽管有这么多隐患,但英国的投资银行业却没有一丝行业勾结的嫌疑。For all its excesses, however, investment banking in Britain does not have the traits of a collusive industry.

本文利用博弈理论研究了当前我国银行业监管行为中所存在的合谋问题。Using game theory, this paper investigates collusive issues in china's banking industries supervisory behavior currently.

肝癌遗传易感基因和A抗原物质对PHC的发生发展可能具有协同促进作用。The family history gene of PHC and A antigen perhaps had a collusive and promotive function in PHC occurrence and development.

在不同的地区,诸如水泥,面粉,钢材,糖等同质产品已经存在共谋安排。In various jurisdictions, collusive arrangements have been found to exist in homogenous products such as cement, flour, steel and sugar.

本文在扩展的独立私有价值模型下,考虑第二价格和第一价格拍卖机制下的串通出价行为和卖方对串通出价的反映。The second-price and first-price collusive bidding mechanism are found to be incentive compatible and efficient direct-revelation collusive mechanism.

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任何供应商与采购方之间关于所谓的行贿、欺诈、共谋或强制活动的问题的交流应为书面方式。Any communications between the Supplier and the Purchaser related to matters of alleged corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices shall be in writing.

本文将串谋行为作为中国国有企业的委托代理的主要问题之一提出,并试图作系统和科学的分析和研究。This dissertation regards collusive behavior as a main agent problem of China state-owned enterprise, and attempts to research it systematically, scientifically.

我们知道美国全盛时期有这样的先例,还有什么行业原来也有产量协议,但新公司进入后却导致协议瓦解呢We know the early example in sort of Golden Age America, but where else did we see a competitive fringe enter when there was a collusive agreement to keep quantities down?