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请将拼错的词圈出来。Please circumscribe the words which are wrongly spelled.

这里,限制矛盾的基本手法是次协调逻辑。Here the basic method to circumscribe contradiction is paraconsistent logic.

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他们的女儿是在如此严厉的约束下,她的整个世界都是受的限制的。The daughter under such restrictions chafes at them circumscribe her whole world.

他们的女儿是在如此严厉的约束下,她的整个世界都是受的限制的。The daughter under such restrictions chafes at them, they circumscribe her whole world.

校长要求所有老师把成绩单上不及格的人用红笔圈起来。The principal has requested all teachers to circumscribe failures in red on the report cards.

这项规定要求,所有老师均要在报告卡用红笔上标出错误所在。The principal has requested all teachers to circumscribe failures in red on the report cards.

但由于位置特殊,军队有权控制报纸的内容。However, due to we location, the military get the left to circumscribe the content of we news.

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但由于位置特殊,军队有权限制报纸的内容。However, due to our location, the military has the right to circumscribe the content of our newspaper.

有他蹲坐五倍高,它的圆形弯曲的表面需要三十个温皋彝才能环抱。It was five times his squat height, and it would take thirty Unggoy to circumscribe its curved surface.

尽管这种因果关系十分明晰,新闻记者和经济学家还是在真正的答案边上绕弯子。Though this cause and effect is obvious, reporters —and economists —choose to circumscribe the real explanation.

鉴于根据是非曲直的判断,联邦电信委员会立场是站不住脚的,所以不能用来限制“阿什巴克”的听证权。Because the fcc's position was invalid on the merits it could not be used to circumscribe the ashbacker hearing right.

这些极南边的纬度地区在整个地球版图中,是几乎毫无障碍一马平川的陆地,所以风力几乎不会减弱。There is little to weaken them, for these far southern latitudes circumscribe the entire globe almost without interruption by land.

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因此,联邦制在很少限制国家政府的同时,继续严格限制州政府的行为。Thus, while federalism imposes few restraints today on the national government, it continues to circumscribe severely the actions of state governments.

我们已经设法表达它,以意符的规模,分开这意符化具有特性的主题,来定义它。We have already tried to articulate it, to circumscribe it as I might say, by dividing up on the signifying scale the signifying, characteristic themes.

我们所试图厘定的政治哲学,自其肇始至不久前,一直受到毫无间断地培育。Political philosophy as we have tried to circumscribe it, has been cultivated since its beginnings almost without any interruption until a relatively short time ago.

我们的研究结果还表明,综合利用分子、染色体和广义形态证据来解决近缘种之间种范围的界定具有更大的优势。Our results provided a case study to circumscribe the closely related species based on a comprehensive combination of morphological, karyological and molecular evidence.

所谓保证期间就是指保证合同当事人的约定或依法律推定在主债务履行期届满后,保证人能够容许债权人主张权利的最长期限。Guarantee Period is a contractual period designated by parties to circumscribe the creditor, s rights to claim the creditor, s rights after the primary liability is expired.

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面的回转会产生立体,服装造型可以说就是面料按结构组合与面回转的原理形成的立体形态。The face circumscribe to come into solid. The garniture sculpt can be view as the solid conformation based on the principles of revolving face and combine the surfaces structure.

其次,中国动漫产品的销售都是以个体为主的小作坊经营模式,这种经营模式从很多方面制约了中国动漫产业前进的步伐。Second, the leading market model of Chinese animation and comic product is small workshop management, which circumscribe the step of Chinese animation and comic industry's advancing.

中国会竭力将美国的影响力从其边境排除出去,限制美国的海军力量,降低美国在国际外交领域的重要性。China would try to push American power as far away from its borders as it could, circumscribe the scope of American naval power, and reduce America's weight in international diplomacy.