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生命在于打破束缚。Life is always breaking fetter.

不,他认为这儿子是系缚他的镣铐。He regarded his first and only son as a fetter.

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我们尊敬传统,但不愿被它束缚。We reverence tradition but will not is fetter by it.

爱不能成为羁绊,所以要选择放手。Love should not be a fetter , so I chose to let you go.

你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的心灵。You may imprison my body, actually could not fetter my mind.

你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的灵魂。You may imprison my body, actually could not fetter my soul.

这声音犹如铁链在兴奋的大笑。This is orotund as if iron fetter at excitement of cachinnation.

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我想变成恶魔,用契约束缚我们的命运。I want to become the devil, fetter our destiny with the contract.

这并不意味着我们想限制工会运动。This does not mean that we wish to fetter the trade union movement.

宿命,这个可怕的东西不仅会束缚住一个人,就算是神也逃脱不掉啊……The foreordination could fetter everyone, no matter a human or a god.

如果在有限的流年里,都要考虑到重重的羁绊而放弃自己想要的生活。If in a limited life, must consider the heavy fetter and give up the life you want.

同时也束缚了司法机关的手脚,造成宽纵罪犯的后果。At the same time, this fact fetter the trick of the judicial authority, indulge the criminal.

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因此,当你的自由去除了桎梏,它却成为束缚那更大自由的桎梏。And thus your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the fetter of a greater freedom.

若无邪狎,那羞怯除了是精神上的束缚和污垢外还能是什么?And when the unclean shall be no more, what were modesty but a fetter and a fouling of the mind?

这些鲜明的形象充满想象,不仅如此,张玉瀛的敏锐与对艺术的挚爱使其远远脱离了符号的羁绊。Moreover his keenness and the devotion to the art make it far away from the soler fetter of the symbol.

以木之精灵的名义,将枝条化为枷锁,将大地变为牢房,将我的敌人永远的束缚在我的面前!In the name of wood spirit, turn the branch into chains, turn the earth into prison, fetter my enemy in my front!

他们不能自由选择设计题材,却也同时免除了市场和经济规律的束缚。They could not the free choice design theme, also simultaneously avoid the market and the economic law fetter actually.

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人人都有权利追求自己想要的幸福和满足,没有任何人任何事情可以束缚。Everybody has happiness which the right pursues itself to want and satisfy, anybody anything has not been possible to fetter.

何况他那爱自由的天性也受不了这种压抑,跟他那脖子受不了浆硬了的枷锁十分相像。Also, his love of freedom chafed against the restriction in much the same way his neck chafed against the starched fetter of a collar.

“五四”新文化运动打破了几千年来人们身上沉重的精神枷锁,实现了人的解放。Wusi new culture sports broke heavy spirit fetter of people in the last several thousands years, carrying out the person's liberation.