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驴子稳步走在山道上,铃声叮当,颇有节奏。The donkey moved firmly forward on the mountain trail, the bell ringing rhythmically.

从某种意义上说,这是新的弗拉门戈,但过失米亚显示她有能力适应节奏。In a sense this is new flamenco, but Culpa Mia shows her ability to adapt rhythmically.

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首先就是因为引力流在这个特殊区域按一定频率出现。The first is due to a gravitational flux that rhythmically occurs in the specific area.

平衡和转身练习,将教会你省力并有节奏地利用躯干在水中前行。Our balance and rotation drills will teach you to do this effortlessly and rhythmically.

我美丽的母亲,亭亭玉立地站在那,有节奏地搅拌着蛋糕粉,脸上沾了点点面糊。My mother stands, a young beauty painted with batter, rhythmically stirring the cake mix.

还有一个大约七岁左右的男孩儿,在有节奏地用头部撞击窗户。Another boy, perhaps seven years old, bangs his head rhythmically against the window frame.

要令她高潮迭起如痴如醉的话,你需要有节奏的刺激她。You’ll need to stimulate your partner rhythmically in order give her multiple mind-blowing orgasms.

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当发现是桑顿来防守他时,科比开始有节奏的不断胯下运球,评估着眼前这个菜鸟。After he noticed Thornton on him, Bryant began rhythmically dribbling through his legs, sizing him up.

格律学里,韵文之有节奏感而显要的重读音节,通常有规则交替发生。In prosody, a rhythmically significant stress on the syllables of a verse, usually at regular intervals.

一些人通过抽搐和身体的节律性动作表达自己,就像那性快感的反应。Some express themselves by twitching or moving their bodies rhythmically as a response to sexual pleasure.

为了把某些生物动力学原则引入到我们的日常生活中来,帕森斯建议我们试着生活得更有规律一些。To introduce some biodynamic principles into your life, Parsons suggests we try to live more rhythmically.

你开始沉静在若有若无的思绪里,你静静地注视着往事一幕幕很有节律地从你的眼前经过。You begin in the mind still not much, if any, you silently past scenes very rhythmically from your eyes after.

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它大口大口喘着气,很有节律地,带动它庞大的身躯痛苦地一起一伏,一起一伏。He was breathing very rhythmically with long rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling.

我喝出一口气,暖暖的,融入空气里。似流动的活水,我的心也随着摇摆的节奏活跃起来。I am out of breath, warm, into the air. Like flowing water, my heart also along with the swing rhythmically active up.

轮唱一种规范的,经常是由三种或三种以上声音构成的有韵律的复杂曲目,在17和18世纪尤其流行。A canonical, often rhythmically intricate composition for three or more voices, popular especially in the17th and18th centuries.

重复的叠句「尤伊斯呗莎」意思是「生命的泉源」,表演从轻柔的歌唱开始到舞者跟著节拍的踢踏,重朔河流汇集力量,最后流入大海。The number builds from the gentle song to the dancers' feet rhythmically recalling a river gathering force and rushing to the sea.

然后它回到了地狱,接着又升到了天堂,在这两种节奏非常不同的概念之间,来回往复And then he goes back to hell and then back up to heaven -goes back and forth between these two rhythmically very different concepts.

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窗外,呼呼地刮起了西北风,用钉子钉着的报纸有节奏地扑扑作响,就和拉风箱一样。Out of the windows, northwest wind was blowing, the newspaper nailed on the windows made sounds rhythmically , like drawing a bellows.

建筑事务所使用天然的落叶松树干材质创造一个统一的,备俱节奏感的立面,统一了新老建筑。By creating an unified, rhythmically alternating façade with native larch tree trunks noa* connects "old and new" in a consistent manner.

那天,他上山挖药,来到泉边喝水,崖上的泉水有节奏地滴答滴答地响着,引起了他的注意。On that day, he dug up the mountain medicine, came to fountain drink spring water Yashang ticks rhythmically ringing, attracted his attention.