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好窄的路啊!Very Narrow road!

所以缩小你的焦点。So narrow your focus.

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他们得钻过狭窄的隧道。A narrow way or alley.

他一点肚量也没有。He has a narrow heart.

在绿草茵茵的小径上。On the narrow grass path.

狭窄小床留与我。A narrow bed for me to lie.

大部分思想都是狭窄的。Most of the ideas are narrow.

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你们要进窄门。Enter through the narrow gate.

你说,这世界是这么狭小吗?Is the world, then, so narrow?

原来是一条又窄又小的巷子。It is a narrow and small alley.

咖啡就盛在一直细长的玻璃高杯中。It sits in a tall, narrow glass.

这个斗牛士真是死里逃生。The matador had a narrow escape.

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我们穿过一条狭窄的通道。We threaded along a narrow pass.

他们爬上了一条狭窄的山沟。They clambered up a narrow gully.

小马儿乍行嫌路窄。Shorsesll horse's line too narrow.

这条路太窄了,不能超车。The road be too narrow to overtake.

路很窄,不方便停车。The road was too narrow to stop on.

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我们拐入了一条狭小的街道。We turned off into a narrow street.

这条羊肠小道突然下到一个狭窄的峡谷里。The trail ducks into a narrow gulch.

有一座窄窄的桥跨在上面。There was a narrow bridge across it.