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现在来看一下“偏见“这个词?Now what about this word "prejudice"?

悠游卒岁,心中并无固定的成见。There is no prejudice in their heart.

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他对所有的人都不带有任何成见。He is free from prejudice to everybody.

那是早年的偏见,你知道。The prejudice of early youth, you know.

这种仇恨产生于偏见。This hatred was generated by prejudice.

我们还必须克服恐惧和偏见。We must combat fears and prejudice too.

成见愈少,生命愈宽广。Less prejudice makes your life expansive.

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他说的话带有偏见。What he said was tinctured with prejudice.

法官对这类多汁生果怀有结果见。the judge has prejudice to the juicy fruit.

我如何能使你相信她对我的偏见呢?How can I convice you of her prejudice on me?

我们的偏见是从母方流传下来的。Our prejudice descend from the female branch.

他对现代诗存有强烈的偏见。He has a strong prejudice against modern poetry.

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这反映了非同寻常的偏见。It’s a reflection of an extraordinary prejudice.

对于普遍主义有很多偏见。There was a lot of prejudice about universalism.

癫痫病患者可以成为偏见的受害者。People with epilepsy can be targets of prejudice.

偏见的坏处开始显现。That's where the bad side of prejudice sneaks in.

所以说,有些陋习,只是我们的“陋见”而已。Therefore, some bid habits is just our prejudice.

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不要因为个人成见而改变事物的本来面目。We don't change things out of personal prejudice.

我是否有偏见的态度或反犹太主义?Do I hold attitudes of prejudice or anti-semitism?

偏见和压迫现在不受惩罚地发生。Prejudice and oppression now occurs with impunity.