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不把经贸问题政治化。Fifth, don't politicize economic and trade issues.

他为何将反恐战争政治化?Why did he politicize the fight against terrorism?

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反要人们不要把奥运政治化。Rogge asked people not to politicize the Olympic Games.

有些人想炒作这个问题,将其政治化是没有道理的。It is groundless that some attempt to play up and politicize the issue.

他指责反对派的某些人企图把警方调查工作政治化。He accused certain circles in the opposition of trying to politicize the police probe.

我向他保证我不会使国防决策政治化,他接受了这个职务。When I pledged to him that I would never politicize defense decisions, he accepted the job.

中方主管部门正在妥善处理此事,没有必要将事件政治化。Relevant authorities are properly handling the matter and there is no need to politicize it.

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我看不出它对中美关系会带来什么样的影响,除非有人想把它政治化。I can't see it having any impact on China-US relations, unless someone wants to politicize it.

一个相关理由是立法机构在威胁把“守护天使”的决定政治化。A related argument warns that the legislation threatens to politicize lender-of-last-resort decisions.

反对任何形式的贸易保护主义或将经贸问题政治化。We must oppose all forms of trade protectionism and any attempt to politicize economic and trade issues.

结果我没有批评她,因为当时会议的主题是慈善事业,我不想使之政治化。In the end I didn’t do it, because the Show Coalition event was for charity and I didn’t want to politicize it.

如果将其政治化,将它同中美关系,甚至同中国的国际形象联系在一起,未免小题大做,言过其实。It is overkill to politicize the issue and link it to China-US relations or even to China's international image.

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但是如果要将军队政治化,我们还需要找到一种让无法信任的军士发表自己意见的方法。But if we’re going to politicize the military, we need to figure out a way to air the views of the uniformed skeptics, too.

因此必须通过思想政治教育,使党的政治路线深入人心,激发人民群众为自己的利益而努力奋斗。Therefore, we should try to politicize the Party's political line and motivate people to work hard for their own interests.

巴基斯坦坚决反对任何将北京奥运会政治化的企图和破坏奥运会的行为。Pakistan firmly opposes any attempt to politicize the Beijing Olympic Games and any actions to disrupt the event, Musharraf said.

我们坚决反对把经贸问题政治化,坦率而言,经贸问题政治化损害的不仅是对方利益,而且将两败俱伤。We must oppose attempt to politicize trade issues. Politicizing trade issues will harm the interests of not just one side, but both sides.

美联储主席本·伯南克争辩说HR1207,这份要求审计美联储的法案,会把货币政策政治化。Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, argues that HR 1207, the legislation to audit the Federal Reserve, would politicize monetary policy.

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我们需要保持货币政策的独立性,将美联储从政治斗争中脱离开,并限制美联储对金融公司的调控能力。We need to preserve the independence of the Fed from efforts to politicize monetary policy and to limit the Fed’s ability to regulate financial firms.

如果北京不想要比赛政治化,为什么史无前例的邀请了100位领导人出席?“If Beijing doesn’t want to politicize the Games, why were an unprecedented 100 leaders invited to attend?” said Sophie Richardson, Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch.

我们希望美方有关人士能客观、理性地看待这个问题,不能因为美方内部经济问题而将人民币汇率问题政治化。We hope relevant people of the US side take an objective and rational look at the issue and do not politicize the RMB exchange rate issue because of domestic economic problems in the US.