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汗珠马或马类的泡沫状汗水。The frothy sweat of a horse or other equine animal.

等量的烹煮香浓咖啡和绵密冒蒸的奶泡!Equal parts rich-brewed coffee and frothy steamed milk!

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她停下来呷了一口塑料杯里浮满泡沫的冰镇咖啡。She pauses to sip a frothy iced coffee from a plastic tumbler.

先用面包分量内50毫升暖鲜奶混和乾酵母,待发起成泡状。Mix 50ml of warm milk with dry yeast, wait for a while until frothy.

在这里,魔鬼穿着塔夫绸和脚本更比泡沫时代的尖端。Here, the devil wears taffeta and the script is more frothy than cutting edge.

将蛋白和塔塔粉放在一个大碗里,打至起泡。Place the egg whites and cream of tartar in a large bowl and whisk until frothy.

“白浪”这个词指的是急流泛起水沫的样子。The term "whitewater" refers to the appearance of the frothy water found in rapids.

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但是任何在市场中投资的人都应但更意识到其本省的风险。But anyone who invests in a market this frothy must surely realise it is also risky.

上部放上巴黎水泡沫,这种泡沫使鸡尾酒看起来是乳状泡沫质地,非常可口。Top with the Perrier foam. The foam gives a creamy frothy texture to the cocktail, it's delicious!

调查者称,这些多泡的小颗粒只有当煤熔渣散发到大气中以后才会形成。These frothy little blobs form only when molten coal spews into the atmosphere, the researchers say.

因为失去黑咖啡,起泡卡布奇诺,大豆拿铁和咖啡球的生活是不可能继续的。Because life without black coffee, frothy cappuccinos, soy lattes, and espresso shots is simply not possible.

随着房地产泡沫濒临破灭,地方政府不应该指望靠卖地自我救赎。With the frothy real estate teetering, localgovernments shouldn’t count on land sales to come to their rescue.

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在谷底卖空股票,从而造成股票继续下跌,并押注于充满泡沫的股票变得泡沫更丰富。Short-selling shares in a trough, thus deepening the trough, and betting that frothy shares will become frothier.

即使是泡沫薄纱火车拖在地上,挂在年底超过奠定了一条腿露出裙子的半透明网状。Even a frothy tulle train dragging on the ground hung at the end of translucent mesh laid over a leg-baring skirt.

痰液外观也随之呈稀薄泡沫样痰→粘液痰→粘液脓性痰改变。The appearance of sputum also showed the process from watery frothy sputum to mucus sputum to mucopuraleat sputum.

密苏拉湖泄人低地,轰隆隆、泛着白沫的洪水上到处是冰堰的碎片。Lake Missoula spilled out onto the lowlands in a rumbling, frothy flood peppered by chunks of the shattered ice dam.

在午后时光,一块蓝莓马芬配上一杯覆着满满奶泡的咖啡,不但是一大乐事,也可舒缓饥饿感。A blueberry muffin paired with a frothy cup of milky coffee is an afternoon delight that will ease almost anyone's hunger.

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在股票和资本市场走向泡沫深渊的同时,天量贷款额的发放带来的是未来坏账飙升的危险。A flood of bank lending threatens a future surge in bad loans, while markets for shares and property look dangerously frothy.

很显然,问题在于,当是时候看一部严肃题材电影的时候,另一部轻松花哨一点的通常显得更有吸引力。The problem, of course, is that when the time comes to watch the serious movie, another frothy one will often seem more appealing.

生长在加州橘郡的他,一想到品尝那豪华,泡沫多多,又浓又稠,还加有冰淇淋的混合饮料,口水就要流出来了。TheOrange County, California, native's mouth wateredashe thought of savoring the sumptuous, frothy concoction, thick with frosty ice cream.