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她生气地看着自己的丈夫。She looked at her husband crossly.

“你胡说,”他生气地说。"You do talk rot. " he said crossly.

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“不,我没有同意。”德北夫人生气地说。No, I didn't, 'said Mrs Durbeyfield crossly.

“我不能跟她待在一起,”他烦躁地回答。I can't stay with her, ' he answered crossly.

“我可从来没听说过什么制度。”她很不以为然地说。"I never heard of any system, " she said crossly.

我看到你和一位顾客在争执什么。I saw you arguing with a customer, "he said crossly.

如果你想使得它前后连贯,恐怕做不到。"Not if you mean to make it coherent, " I said crossly.

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“不,费尔法斯太太。”我不悦地答道,“他看上去当然比这年轻。”No, indeed, Mrs Fairfax, ' I replied crossly . 'He looks much younger than that!

蛤蟆有点恼怒的走上楼,但他确是很乐意脱下那套洗衣婆的衣服。Toad went upstairs a little crossly , but he was pleased to get out of the washerwoman's dress.

作家在回答这类问题时,有的耐心,有的粗鲁,视个人的脾气和当时的情绪而定。Writers answer such questions patiently or crossly according to temperament and the mood they're in.

木材,可交互调整后,已自动切割侧,侧吹和m折侧。The timber, which can be adjusted crossly , has auto-cutting side, blowing side and the M-folding side.

黄义进新房,见少了一名妾侍,没有七星伴月之意,不悦地离开。Less Huang Yi into the bridal chamber, see a concubine shi, not seven stars with month, leaving crossly.

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结论颈长肌肌瓣交叉缝合对颈椎前路减压植骨块有阻挡作用。Conclusion LCM flap can be sutured crossly to prevent the slip of bone graft in the cervical anterior decompression.

有一天晚上,劳里带着两个大姑娘去看戏,虽然没有请艾米,她却坚持要去。The night Laurie took the two older girls to the theater, Amy, though not invited, insisted on going too. Jo crossly

在实习期间被派往各部门进行交叉培训,均能在较短时间内掌握其工作技能。Dispatched to each department training crossly during practice period, all of them could grasp working skills in the short time.

安吉县方言分布的显著特点是客籍方言数量庞大,人口众多,而且互相交错分布,形成典型的多方言接触区。And Anji County is a typical area of multi-dialectal contacting where a large quantity of dialects spoken by many people as their mother tongues distribute crossly.

谢天谢地,我终于在重重险阻中冲出包围来到我的领地,坐在座位上挺美,哼!Thank God, I finally break out of encirclement to arrive at my territory in layer after layer and difficult to crossly and sit on the seat pretty the United States, hum!