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图为树上的可可果荚。Cacao fruit pods on the tree.

巧克力是由来自可可树上种子做成的。The seeds from the tree known as Theobroma cacao make up chocolates.

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但是,可可豆树不能在阿之台克人居住的地方生长。But, the cacao plant could not grow in the area where the Aztecs lived.

但正是这些工人生产出了被认为是世界上最上等的可可。But those same workers produce what some consider the world’s best cacao.

可可豆荚以树的形态生长,原产于中南美洲。Cacao pods, which grow on trees, originated in Central and South America.

图为一位工人正在位于委内瑞拉克罗尼的蒙特罗萨种植园收获可可。A worker harvested cacao at the Monterosa plantation in Choroni, Venezuela.

可可体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生体系的构建。Study on Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Theobroma Cacao L.

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夏皮罗预期,农民在约三年之后就可以开始种植改良的可可树。Shapiro expects improved cacao trees to start reaching farmers in about 3 years.

可以追溯几个世纪。玛雅人把巧克力的原料可可作为一种商品进行交易。Chocolate dates back centuries. The Mayans traded valuable cacao beans, from which.

大多数可可树是在南美洲和美洲中部,非洲,和东南亚发现的。Most cacao trees are found in Central and South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia.

可可富含蛋白质,钙,胡萝卜素,硫胺素,核黄素,镁和硫。Cacao contains protein, calcium, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, magnesium and sulphur.

它是来自自然界里的咖啡豆,茶,可可豆,可乐果和大量的其他植物原料。It's naturally found in coffee beans, tea, cacao seeds, kola nuts and dozens of other plants.

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自可可变得唾手可得后,人们开始试验寻找新的使用方法。As cacao became more commonly available, people began experimenting with new ways of using it.

为了缩小差距,火星公司赞助了一项计划——对可可树基因组进行排序。To reduce that disparity, Mars helped fund a project to sequence the genome of the cacao tree.

混合阿玛托、糖果味儿蒸馏酒及奶油入子弹杯,小心把奶油放在最上层。Mix amaretto schnapps and creme de cacao in tall shot glass. carefully layer irish cream on top.

混合阿玛托、糖果味儿蒸馏酒及奶油进子弹杯,小心把奶油放正在最上层。Mix Amaretto, schnapps and creme de cacao in tall shot glass. Carefully layer Irish cream on top.

可以在一些较好的保健食品商店里买到。Cacao nibs are unsweetened, somewhat unusual in taste and can be found in better health food stores.

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典型的桑吉奥维斯葡萄的香气伴随着烟草、欧亚甘草与可可的芳香。Extremely complex bouquet, with characteristic Sangiovese aromas of soft tobacco, licorice and cacao.

到1500年,他们被磨去了可可豆巧克力和宗教仪式中使用它。By 1500 B. C. , they were refining chocolate from the cacao bean and using it in religious ceremonies.

种植在农场的可可豆树比野生的可可豆树更容易受到疾病和昆虫的威胁。Cacao trees grown on farms are much more easily threatened by disease and insects than wild trees are.