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这种硅碳棒不同于金属加热元件,没有固定的输出功率。They are not sized to a specific wattage output like metallic heating elements.

电源设备可能不支持处理器、内存模块和扩充卡的系统配置。Warning! Performance degraded. CPU and memory set to minimum frequencies to meet PSU wattage.

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而且,我们也有可能产生放电,同时降低功耗,使小功率灯。And it is possible for us to produce discharge with reduced power and make small wattage lamp.

强烈的灯光能够令车身曲线纤毫毕露,令车子在消费者眼中耀目生光。The intense wattage highlights the nuances in curvature and makes the cars glitter for consumers.

测试用的电灯须是可以装在灯具上的任何一种中瓦数最高的灯。The test lamp shall be the highest wattage lamp of any type that can be installed in the luminaire.

普通伊朗人家中装满了各式各样的装饰灯,灯泡瓦数很少有低于100的。Iran filled with ordinary people in a wide variety of decorative lamps, lamp wattage little less than 100.

而且,温度越低,它们的瓦特当量越大,也就是说每个二极管能发出更多的光。Also, the cooler they are kept, the more wattage they can handle, which translates into more light per diode.

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三基色光源具有节能功效,同等瓦数光源光照效果好显色指数高。Three-color light sources with energy-saving effect of the same wattage light source effective high color-rendering index.

他褪去了自己的领导气质,他看上去对于周围的人有着关切的注意,没有展现出在好莱坞的华丽。He goes down in his charisma, and he looks with thoughtful attention at the people around him and doesn't display the Hollywood wattage.

尽管这里的人们仍不如曼哈顿和洛杉矶的公众那么时尚,但是夜猫子们现在有了更多的新选择,城市的娱乐业正变得更加繁荣。The crowds still lack the fashionable wattage of Manhattan and Los Angeles, but new night owl options are increasing the city’s fun factor.

单相恒功率电热带主要用于各种管道、仪表、罐体的防冻、保温,最高维持温度150℃。Single phase constant wattage heating cable is applied in freezing prevention and temperature maintenance of pipeline, instrument and valve.

很多电源在市场上在瓦数要求被估价过高用户认为他们从未似乎得到足够强有力的电源。A lot of power supplies in the market are over-rated in wattage claim that users feel that they never seem to get a powerful enough power supply.

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另外,交管部门对汽车照明灯在功率上做了强制性规定,前大灯瓦数不能超过60瓦,如果太强将通不过年检。In addition, tubal branch of auto lamps in power on the mandatory regulation, headlights wattage cannot exceed 60 watts, too, if be not yearly check.

此配置是罕见的低功率单位,但要保持好的内部的变压器和冷却时,抽水起来回1000W的。This configuration is rare on lower wattage units, but is necessary to keep the transformers inside nice and cool when they are pumping up to 1000W out the back.

这条被放大了500万像素的手机短信不仅传达了挚爱的信息,而且突出显示了中国经济引人注目的快速发展。As well as being a message of devotion, the mobile phone text message – magnified by 5m pixels – highlights the dramatic increase in the wattage of China's economy.

在朝鲜,没有公共照明,人们在屋子里使用着非常低功率的灯泡。In North Korea, there is no public lighting, and people use very low wattage bulbs in their houses. The North Korean capital is as surreal by night as it is by day.

大黄蜂系列为结合暖白、红光、绿光、以及蓝光四色合一高功率封装产品,提供给需求更好的晃光效果灯具应用,并能创造低瓦数高亮度输出的优越特性。This high power LED can combine numerous warm white, red, green and blue chips into a single package, and also have the ability to have high lumen output with lower wattage.

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去年这个时候,我家附近位于北京大兴这个地方正在建一条将在明年开通的高速公路。So, over the past year and a dose I've cast anchor amongst the steel libraries and midnight wattage spirits of a byway under construction close to my home in Daxing, Beijing.

被太阳能产业的未来前景照花了眼睛的西班牙,则使出了浑身解数对该产业进行补贴,以至于2008年全球新增太阳能的发电功率中,有2/5是西班牙人贡献的。Spain, blinded by visions of a solar future, subsidised the industry so lavishly that in 2008 the country accounted for two-fifths of the world’s new solar-power installations by wattage.

单相恒功率电热带主要用于各种管道、仪表、罐体的防冻、保温,最高维持温度150℃。可用于工厂一区、二区爆炸性气体场合。Single phase constant wattage heating cable is applied in freezing prevention and temperature maintenance of pipeline, instrument and valve. Max maintaining temperature could reach about 150