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古罗马跑马场里来自安纳托利亚高原西部的舞者。Western Anatolian dancers perform at the Hippodrome.

该船在土耳其安纳托利亚海岸附近触礁,船身分成两半。It hit rocks and split in two off the coast of Turkey's Anatolian province.

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亚述的城邦已经扩展到安纳托利亚高原。The city-state of Ashur had extensive contact with cities on the Anatolian plateau.

土耳其位于位于北安纳托利亚断层上,经常遭受地震。Turkey, lying atop the North Anatolian fault, has been plagued by earthquakes frequently.

像安纳托利亚牧羊犬或大白熊犬之类的大个头犬能够守卫绵羊以免让它们受不友好动物的袭击。Big dogs like the Anatolian shepherd or Great Pyrenees can guard them from hostile animals.

土耳其是一个地震多发国家,大部分地区位于北安那托利亚断层上。Earthquakes are frequent in Turkey, much of which lies on top of the North Anatolian fault.

1994年,她推出了农民的安纳托利亚牧羊犬,最初是从土耳其的一个品种。In 1994, she introduced the farmers to the Anatolian Shepherd, a breed originally from Turkey.

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上世纪,土耳其北部的北安纳托利亚断层上的地震已逐渐向西慢慢地移动。For the past century, earthquakes on the North Anatolian Fault in northern Turkey have been creeping westward.

土耳其以前和美国等北约组织成员以及以色列都举行过安纳托利亚之鹰演习。Turkey had previously carried out Anatolian Eagle maneuvers with the US and other NATO members as well as Israel.

在土耳其星空,叫做安纳托利亚之家的旅馆提供建在五个邻近火山的洞穴的套间。In Cappadocia, Turkey, the hotel called Anatolian Houses offers you suites built in five adjoining volcanic caves.

8月9日,在土耳其安纳托利亚高原坎加尔的一处温泉浴场,皮肤病患者正在接受水疗。On Angust 9th, in a spa at Turkey's Anatolian plateau Kangal, patients with skin diseases are receiving water treatment.

北安那托利亚山就像一条铁链横穿与黑海海岸平行的褶皱高地。The North Anatolian Mountains in the north are an interrupted chain of folded highlands that generally parallel the Black Sea coast.

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它沿着丝绸之路,跨过广阔的欧洲大草原,横穿安那托利亚半岛,最后来到位于黑海之滨的克里米亚。Shadowing the Silk Road, it had crossed the vast Eurasian steppe, traversed the Anatolian peninsula, and arrived in Crimea on the Black Sea.

一名高级军事官员证实了准备在土耳其的科尼亚省进行的“安纳托利亚之鹰”演习已经取消的消息。A senior military official here confirmed the cancellation of the Anatolian Eagle exercise that was to have been held in Turkey's Konya province.

布料和伊朗的锌被用作交换安纳托利亚的银,在土耳其数个遗址里发现这些写在泥版上的贸易活动记录。Cloth and Iranian tin were exchanged for Anatolian silver and records of these activities on clay tablets have been found at a number of sites in Turkey.

1939年以来,北安那托利安断层已发生一连串的地震,而这次只是其中的第12次。But this earthquake was merely the most recent in a falling-domino-style sequence of 12 major shocks that had struck the North Anatolian fault since 1939.

占姆在半官方安纳托利亚新闻社所发表的书面声明中说,他将辞去政府和民主左翼党党内的职务。In a written statement issued by the semi-official anatolian news agency cem said that he will resign from his government as well as the democratic left party positions.

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以色列外交官表示,土耳其最近通知取消“安纳托利亚之鹰”演习,该演习还包括了美国,意大利和其他北约国家的空军。Israeli diplomats here said that Turkey recently informed Israel of the cancellation of the Anatolian Eagle exercise, which also would have included U.S., Italian and other NATO nations' air forces.