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这班有明显的进步。The class made noticeable improvement.

这个班已有引人注目的进步。The class has made noticeable improvement.

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丹尼阿格尔将是另一个重要的缺席。Daniel Agger is the other noticeable absentee.

影响也许会变得非常明显。Beijing's pull-back may then become noticeable.

药的效果还不显。The effect of the medicine is not yet noticeable.

当加速时,这种咻咻声最明显。This pinging is most noticeable during acceleration.

在这方面,林语堂的研究成果是引人注目的。Lin Yutang's achievement in this field is noticeable.

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呼天成的成功是一个引人注目的政治神话。Hu Tiancheng's success is a noticeable political myth.

她的书法有了明显的进步。Theres been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting.

即将在中国举行的GTI发布当是盛会一场。For China, the upcoming GTI launch is a noticeable event.

很多女性在流汗时都会有皮肤痕痒的经验。Many women experience noticeable itching when they sweat.

人马座显而易见的‘茶壶’就位于它的正下方。The very noticeable Teapot of Sagittarius is below Scutum.

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当发动机是冷的时侯,活塞敲击声将更加明显。Piston slap will be more noticeable when the engine is cold.

它是中国近现代体育史上不可忽视的一页。It is a noticeable page in the Chinese modern sports history.

因为赶时间或怠惰造成的草率马虎是很明显的。Such sloppiness, usually from haste or laziness, is noticeable.

在远离城市灯光的天空中,即使布满星星,它也是很明显的。It's very noticeable in a star-filled sky, far from city lights.

有些东西是值得注意和说明的。There are a few things that are noticeable and worth mentioning.

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摇臂上的刮痕用黑色田宫漆补过,不仔细找根本看不出来。The scratch on the swing arm were painted and not noticeable now.

在荧光屏下闪烁现象往往会更加明显。Flickering tends to be more noticeable under fluorescent lighting.

贝利亚事件是苏联历史上引人关注的政治事件。The Bellia event was a noticeable political one in Soviet history.