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一堆堆的掉在地面上。Fall in piles upon the ground.

阴霾遮住天边。Piles of shadows covered the horizon.

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他的桌子上堆了成摞的纸。There are piles of paper on his desk.

模型里甚至还有小型的粪堆。There are even miniature manure piles.

在地板上将所有东西归置到一块。Assemble the items in piles on the floor.

主要用于治疗内痔、外痔、混合痔、息肉等疾病。It can treat all kinds of piles and polyps.

她把信堆成整齐的三堆。She put the letters in three orderly piles.

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我的办公桌上就没有成摞的文件。There are no piles of paperwork on my desk.

我们把报纸一叠叠堆在地上。We put the newspaper in piles on the floor.

秋天的时候,我把落叶堆成一堆,一头扎进去蓬松的树叶堆里。In the fall, I made leaf piles to dive into.

这房间里摆满了一堆堆的旧书。PILE】The room was full of piles of old books.

什么是血栓性外痔嵌顿?What is thrombus sex external piles is embedded?

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我们在地板上把报纸整齐地叠起来。We put the newspapers in neat piles on the floor.

你稍微首肯,成堆蜘蛛精将会一哄而上!You nod slightly, piles Zhizhu Jing will be herd!

我做了成堆的锅贴赠邻居。I make piles of the pot stickers for my neighbors.

在你的工作间里堆上大堆的文件。Build huge piles of documents around your workspace.

首先他们在地面上打上四棵桩子。First of all they rammed four piles into the ground.

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万两黄金容易得,知音一个也难求。It's easier to get piles of gold than a real friend.

铝合金窗的外框扎在杂物堆上。Aluminum alloy housings Norte window in debris piles.

土拱效应是挡土桩工作原理的基础。Soil arching effect is the basis for retaining piles.