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我无法逃脱死神。I cannot escape the Grim Reaper.

收割者跃过一堆廉价的武器。The reaper leaped over a heap of cheap weapons.

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死神建造时间由45秒削减至40秒。Reaper build time decreased from 45 to 40 seconds.

战胜死神最好的方式是活得好,活得充实。We beat the Reaper by living well, and living fully.

研制出一种收割沙生灌木作业机。A kind of wide breadth desert shrub reaper has been developed.

一名机械师在美国内华达空军基地检查“收割机”无人机。A mechanic inspects a Reaper at a US air force base in Nevada.

在目前的版本中,布雷技能是需要研究的。Furthermore, the mine is now an upgradeable ability of the Reaper.

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现在“捕食者”正在这样做,并且不久以后,“收割者”也会加入到这样的战斗中来的。The Predator is doing that now. And the Reaper will soon join the fight.

威尔逊刘易斯上校,他以前是A-10飞行员,现在是第一批“收割者”飞行员中的一个。Capt. Wilson Lewis, former A-10 pilot, is one of the first Reaper pilots.

这幅画的画面设计成一个年轻的割禾人在午间休息。The painting is organized about a young reaper enjoying his noonday rest.

没想到有更多异化虫增援部队抵达,并击杀了一台试图窥伺的收割者。More zergling reinforcements arrive and kill a reaper attempting to scout.

采集器被他的炮火击坏,这也导致了收割器的崩坏。The Harvester fell to his blasterfire, which caused the Reaper to collapse.

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格里姆收割机工程快速放松和乳化油脂和污垢,便于清洗。Grime Reaper works fast to loosen and emulsify grease and grime for easy rinse.

这实在与远程操控的捕食者MQ-1或是开膛手MQ-9飞行器相去甚远。That hardly describes the remotely-piloted Predator MQ-1 or Reaper MQ-9 aircraft.

杜库随后前往图勒,并在行星上的一座古代西斯城市中激活了黑暗收割器。Dooku then went to Thule and activated the Dark Reaper in an ancient Sith city on the planet.

比如某些物理技能,枪兵的兴奋剂,幽灵的核弹,还是收割者的定时地雷,会被限制禁用吗?Will physical spells like the Marines Stim Pack, the Ghosts Nuke, or Reaper Mines be disabled?

暗黑死神军官可使用暴风榴弹枪可多发射击,或是死神飞弹可曲射。Dark Repear Exarchs get access to a Tempest launcher that fires clusters of reaper missiles in a arc.

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此时,“收割机”轰炸了藏有塔利班战士的墙,日志记录这次攻击成功地杀死了2名塔利班战士。On this occasion, the Reaper drone bombed the wall. The log says it succeeded in killing two Taliban.

美国空军不知道导航员何以会对MQ-9“收获者”无人飞机系统失去控制。The USAF does not know how or why operators lost control of the MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Aircraft System.

尽管死亡是万圣节的中心主题,但参加欢庆的人们都抱着一种戏谑的态度来面对死神。Although death is the central theme of Halloween celebrants deal with the grim reaper only on a playful level.