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熏制的珍珠鸡。Smoked guinea fowl.

它只是你的豚鼠!It is just your guinea pig!

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我们都将是实验中的小豚鼠。We will all be guinea pigs.

你好,我是Amadon,来自几内亚。Hello, I am Amadon from Guinea.

这种事在几内亚并非罕见。This is not unheard of in Guinea.

请问珍珠鸡是怎么做的?What is the Guinea fowl like, please?

蜥蜴皮鼓是新几内亚学见的乐器。Lizar-skin drum is common in New Guinea.

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方法应用豚鼠诱导EAE动物模型。Methods EAE were induced in guinea pigs.

除了羊之外,还有珍珠鸡的大力协助。The sheep are ably assisted by guinea fowl.

就是一般的嘛猫、狗、马、天筑鼠…The usual, dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs.

这些豚鼠实在是很可爱、很聪明。Those guinea pigs are quite cute and clever.

科托努贝宁北部几内亚湾附近城市。A city of southern Benin on the Gulf of Guinea.

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有一种非洲鸟叫珍珠鸡。There is an African bird called the guinea fowl.

我给你一个几尼换一杯酒,吉姆。I'll give you a golden guinea for a noggin , Jim.

兔子与豚鼠也不能反胃。Neither rabbits nor guinea pigs can vomit either.

鱼雷快艇正在新几内亚沿海巡逻,1943年。"PT's patrolling off coast of New Guinea. " 1943.

位于几内亚湾的一个西部非洲国家。A country of western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea.

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养一只小小的天竺鼠的花费怎么可能这么高呢?How could a guinea pig cost that much to maintain?

巴布亚纽几内亚的人明白这个观念。The people of Papua New Guinea understand this idea.

Loku是在巴布亚新几内亚的一个年轻男孩。Loku is a young boy from a tribe in Papua New Guinea.