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拉格伦看着马。Raglan looked at the horse.

特别的三钮扣设计。Special button-up design in raglan.

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插肩袖,提供更好的移动性。Raglan sleeves provide better mobility.

“杰德,”拉格伦说,“那匹马会弄死除你之外的任何人,我不想要它。“Jed,” Raglan said. “that horse will kill anyone except you.

“杰德,”拉格伦说,“那匹马会弄死除你之外的任何人,我不想要它。“Jed, ” Raglan said. “that horse will kill anyone except you.

汤姆·拉格伦用吃惊的眼光看着这匹马,眼前的情景简直令他难以置信。Tom Raglan looked at the horse with eyes that did not believe.

一周之后,有人骑了一匹大黑马来到牧场主汤姆•拉格伦的领地上。A week later, a big black horse rode on the land owned by Tom Raglan.

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这件上衣采用了套袖,并且在裁剪上给予背部宽松的空间。The coat has raglan sleeves, and is cut to give fullness at the back.

“杰德,”拉格伦说,“那匹马会弄死除你之外的任何人,我不想要它。"Jed, " Raglan said. "that horse will kill anyone except you. I do not want it.

这个织拉克兰的方法其实很简单,省了缝合的工。This method of knitting a raglan cardigan is really simple and straight-forward.

大约10分钟车程就能到达汉密尔顿西部,20分钟到达拉格伦。It is approx 10 minutes drive to the west of Hamilton and approx 20mins to Raglan.

州内最好的牧场主汤姆·拉格伦就曾经在他那帮牛仔的帮助下做过尝试。Tom Raglan , the best rancher in the state, had tried with the help of his cowboys.

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特别的三钮扣设计。两位主脑为了创作呕心沥血、互相撕杀的场面出现了!Special button-up design in raglan. Abilities and Assiduous of Two mastermind are appear !

其他学者,比如奥托·兰克和拉格兰勋爵早就在做英雄神话的比较研究。Such scholars as Otto Rank and Lord Raglan had earlier written comparative studies of hero-myths.

这是一款8片插肩袖夹克,所用面料为羊毛,亚麻混纺,袖口和下摆用罗文针织。This is a 8 piece raglan sleeve jacket, the fabric of wool, linen blended, cuffs and hem Roman Tam knitting.

我看见菲尔莫的帽子放在帽架上,心想不知我穿上他的衣服合适不合适,我尤其喜欢他那件插肩袖大衣。I wondered if his clothes would fit me. He had a raglan that I particularly liked. Well, by now he was on his way.

“杰德,”拉格伦说,“那匹马会弄死除你之外的任何人,我不想要它。但我没忘记自己的诺言。"Jed, " Raglan said. "that horse will kill anyone except you. I do not want it. But I have not for gotten my promise. "

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其结果是,一半以上的求职者由于缺乏经验3-5年,因此,职位的高级人员拉格仑了!As a result, more than half of the job seekers because of the inexperience of 3-5 years, and therefore the positions of senior personnel raglan over!

最初看到我脱下直袖外套,终究还是有肩膀的,她着实有些吃惊,不过现在已经恢复过来/没事了。She had got used to my appearance, and recovered from the initial shock of seeing me in a raglan sleeve topcoat on finding, when I took it off, that I had shoulders after all.

本文对插肩袖结构的逆向思维设计作了介绍,并对逆向结构变化中每一个点,每一条线,每一个重要部位都作了分析。This article introduces the counter thinking design of the raglan sleeves structure and analyzes each point, each line and each important part in the change of adverse structure.