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这束红玫瑰是你送给她的吗?Is this bouquet of Rose for her?

葡萄酒中酒香和果香的统称。The bouquet and aroma of a wine.

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你们可以送一束玫瑰花来吗?Can you deliver a bouquet of roses?

所以我决不肯放弃这束花球。So I will not abandon this bouquet.

酒香浓郁,酒体醇厚柔和。Rich, full-bodied soft wine bouquet.

我从未收到过这样漂亮的花束!I never had such a fine bouquet before!

芳香馥郁,具有典型的灰皮诺葡萄的果香。Fine elegant and typical Pinot Grigio bouquet.

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有着强烈丹宁酸和少许花香的好构架。Good structure with strong tannins and bouquet.

她的婚礼花篮包括玫瑰和长春藤。Her wedding bouquet consisted of roses and ivy.

他拥抱她,接著递给她一束玫瑰花。He hugged her and handed her a bouquet of roses.

如果你快睡着了我会反我的花束丢给你的。I'll throw my bouquet at you when it gets close.

取出香料包、将欧芹搅拌加入。Remove the bouquet garni and stir in the parsley.

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在他抵达时,一个女孩向他献花。A girl presented him with a bouquet on his arrival.

就好像是一个白天过后留下的花束。This is the bouquet left towards the end of the day.

深深的宝石红,伴随这怡人的葡萄酒的香气。Deep ruby-red coloured with a pleasant vinous bouquet.

他们每人手中都拿着一大捧勿忘我。Each of them carried a huge bouquet of forget-me-nots.

从新娘的花束上垂下来的丝带打成了一个结。Ribbon hung from the brides bouquet was tied in a bow.

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这是一本很棒的书,有很多新娘手捧花的创意设计。A really great book to get ideas for your bridal bouquet.

红玫瑰与黄玫瑰为主的15朵玫瑰花束。Refreshing bouquet of 15 roses in red and yellow colours.

她用绳子粗略地将那束玫瑰花捆起来。She roughly tied the bouquet of roses with a piece of rope.