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你应该能看到一个有一个奖杯的壁龛。You should see an alcove with the trophy.

主教把他的客人安置在壁厢里。The Bishop installed his guest in the alcove.

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他的书桌在一间凹室内,一边是烟囱。His desk was in an alcove to one side of the chimney.

他急忙躲到一个小间里来避开他们。He had only time to creep into an alcove to avoid them.

如今,参观者都知道这个被称为“保尔·班杨的便壶”的巨大凹室。Visitors today know the huge alcove as Paul Bunyan's Potty.

天桥壁龛是一个僻静的时刻完美的环境。Walkway alcove is the perfect setting for a secluded moment.

在您的左边会有一个小壁龛过去一走动鸟。On your left there will be a small alcove past a bird walking around.

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杜库从壁龛的角上看不太清楚另一个机器人。Dooku couldn't quite see the other droid around the edge of the alcove.

红色等有卧铺或靠背可放下的坐席。The Red level offers either a tiny sleeping alcove or a reclining seat.

进门之后向右上方看,你将找到一个壁龛。When going through the door, look up and right and you'll see an alcove.

他和助手泽伊·内普在外乡人俱乐部的一个小间里会见了诺德。She met with him and his assistant Zey Nep in an alcove of the Outlander Club.

但是她在充足的附近站立到六月可以听到她然后说的凹室。But she stood near enough to the alcove that Jun could hear what she said next.

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到了安装非承重墙的时候,他四处走动,注意到一处没用上的小角落。As they got to the sheetrock stage, he was walking around and noticed an unused alcove.

亲爱的孩子们,我召叫你们来到我这岩洞前,是要给你们一个喜乐的讯息。Dear children, I have called you here to my alcove to extend upon you glad tidings of joy.

我带它到酒吧旁一处凹进去的地方。它躺在冰凉的水泥地上,闭上了眼。I led him to an alcove next to the bar, where he lay on the cold cement and closed his eyes.

壁龛里有一个小小的洗脸盆和一面镜子,一扇门通往一个微型但私用的厕所间。There’s an alcove with a small sink and mirror, and a door to the tiny, but private lavatory.

壁厢里有人住时,他总把一方大哗叽帷布拉开,遮住神座。When the alcove was in use, a large serge curtain drawn from wall to wall concealed the altar.

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在他的教堂里,祭坛上和祭坛后的凹室中都有圣母玛利亚的塑像。In his church, an icon of the Virgin Mary sits in an alcove directly above and behind the altar.

例如,她女儿位于旧金山的铁道风格的公寓,设有一个放墨菲床的壁凹,但壁凹里却没有床,她说。Her daughter's San Francisco railroad-style apartment, for example, had a Murphy bed alcove with no bed in it, she said.

我已经表明它周围,还从来没告诉人们什么是在楼上的壁龛,他们一直认为自己。I have shown it around and have never told people what is in the upstairs alcove , they have always found it themselves.