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你能告诉我酸辣酱是什么吗?Can you tell me about the chutney?

配酸辣酱或腌制洋葱一起食用更佳!Serve with Mint Chutney or Pickled Onions.

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我很想吃一客小牛肉片。I prefer a charred lamb cutlet with chutney.

小料无花果酱,芒果酱,苹果酱,生梨酱。Fig chutney, mango chutney, apple chutney, pear chutney.

经常要搭配有黄油,酸辣酱或一些其他辣酱一起享用。It’s best eaten with butter, chutney or some other spicy sauce.

酸辣酱可以混合在任何一种印度餐中,形成一种不同的口味。Chutney can be blended with any Indian dish to create a different taste.

酸辣酱可以混合在任何一种印度餐中,形成一种不同的口味。Chutney can be to be blended with any Indian dish to create a different taste.

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使用酸辣调味品瓶子您能做不同的种类在非常较少时间的酸辣调味品。With the chutney jar you can make different kinds of chutneys in very less time.

对于任何辛辣菜肴来说,印度酸辣酱和凉拌酸奶沙拉是一道美味的附加菜,尤其是在印度烹饪中。Chutney is a nice side dish along with Raita for any spicy dish, and especially Indian cooking.

农夫沙拉混合了大块的奶酪,新鲜的绿叶菜、泡菜、面包以及酸辣酱。This salad combines chunks of cheese, fresh green leaves, pickled vegetables, bread and chutney.

还有些先知告诉你食用samosas的时候应该用什么颜色的辣酱。Some Babas have taken things afar as they also tell you the colour of the chutney that you should have with your samosas.

啊,当然,酸辣酱实际上由嘎吱船长麦片和水果蛋塔组成,但我们把它们切得非常非常碎。Ah, sure, the chutney is actually made up of a combination of Cap'n Crunch and Pop Tarts, but we chop 'em up really, really fine.

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酸辣酱是水果如菠萝、葡萄干、芒果被煮熟如果冻,并加上红辣椒和咖喱,来变成甜-辣的口味。Chutney is fruit such as pineapple, raisins and mangos that have been cooked down much like jelly with chili and curry added to allow for a sweet-hot-spicy taste.