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相对来说它很慢。It's relatively slow.

有些唐人街的历史相对不长。Some Chinatowns are relatively new.

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这是相对较新的发现。This is relatively newfound respect.

我看这个石人比较高。I find this stone man relatively tall.

滴丸剂质量基本稳定。The drop pills were relatively stable.

我是比较耐寒的动物。I'm a relatively cold-resistant animal.

SNFS具有较高的性能。KD-SNFS has relatively high performance.

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社论是相对较小的问题。The editorial one is a relatively minor.

这些羊是一种相对稀有的品种。These sheep are a relatively rare breed.

以上癌症都是极为罕有的。All of those cancers are relatively rare.

隔火层包带所用材料应具有较高的氧指数。The LOI of tapes shall be relatively high.

大明建文年制!较罕见的精品!Daming has four-year! Relatively rare fine!

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相比较而言,我们还算是好孩子。We were good children, relatively speaking.

这些事情不太引人注意。And yet these things go relatively unnoticed.

相反,降挡则相对容易一些。By contrast, downshifting is relatively easy.

一个则占据较干旱的沙壤土。One occupies relatively dry sandy loam soils.

一个则占据较干旱的沙壤土。One occupies relatively dry sandy loam soils.

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帕尔旺一向是相对和平的地区。Parwan is usually a relatively peaceful area.

隐球菌的诊断比较容易。Cryptococcosis is relatively easy to diagnose.

汽油在美国相对来说不贵。Gasoline in America is relatively inexpensive.