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实证论与新实证论也是如此。So are the monistic doctrines of positivism and neopositivism.

柳亚子等人文化一元论的思维方式是南社解体的最深层原因。The pattern of thinking of cultural monistic was a deep cause.

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虽然monistic哲学日期从古代希腊,任期一元是比较近期的事。Although monistic philosophies date from ancient Greece, the term monism is comparatively recent.

这所有的一元论观点,我认为,都可从神灵孕育洪荒这一意象中看出来。All of this monistic philosophy, I think, is implicit in the image of divinity's impregnation of the vast abyss.

大学内部权力结构经历了从一元结构向二元结构和多元有机结构演进的历程。The power within the university evolved from the monistic structure, to the dualistic and the pluralistic ones in the history.

审美主义是在近现代西方出现的人生观、世界观和艺术观上的审美一元论思想。Aestheticism that appeared in the West in modern and contemporary time is the monistic aesthetic thought regarding the outlook on life, the world and art.

目前,我国民事再审制度存在许多问题,而民事再审启动机制的不完善是引起这些问题的一个重要因素。However, the new monistic theory thinks the subject matter of the retrial cases is claim to retrial and it can resolve a lot of problem of the retrial process.

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从价值一元论出发,我们能够相对较严密地解释和剖析人类社会中围绕利益而演化出来的矛盾运动规律。From the monistic value we can comparatively strictly interprete and analyse the operative principle of conflicts evolving out of interest in the human society.

保持一元论可能意味着对于国税局的调查将延伸至该机构不只如何应对茶党团体,还有其他反对政府的个人。Keeping the monistic could mean the investigation into IRS extending to how the agency treated not only tea party groups but other individuals who's spoken out against the government.

新保守主义思想批判自由主义多元论,倡导道德一元论,将国家间政治上升到“善”“恶”对抗的道德高度,在外交上主张“先发制人”。Neo-conservatism strongly attacks liberalism, advocates the monistic ethic, and raises the politics among countries onto the moral level, claims that America will take action primarily.

这是一个一元的,唯物的,自然的,针对意识的阐述,第二种这认为精神状态和过程,不能被归结为生理或物质的状态和过程。That is the thesis of a monistic materialism physicalism of consciousness and mind and second mental states and processes cannot be reduced to a physio-physical states and processes.

在古典主义者眼中,现代性社会仿佛是古典一元等级大序社会解体后留下的废墟,其中充满了混乱与无序。From the classicists' viewpoint, the society of modernity seems to be the chaotic ruins caused by the disintegration of the classical society which was monistic and hierarchically ordered.

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相反,一元论的主张,认为只有一个事实就是心灵和大脑被相同的最终物质或原理形成,或还原。Conversely, monistic advocates, instead, argue that there is only one reality and the mind and the brain are formed from, or reducible to, the same ultimate substance or principle of being.