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我宁可看他咬牙也不愿看这样的笑。I'd rather have seen him gnash his teeth than smile so.

非把英文学好不可,所以要咬牙切齿学英文!Not learn English well it, so will gnash teeth in hatred learn English!

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今天,人们谈鸟色变。尤其是庄户人,更是咬牙切齿。Today, people talking bird discoloration. Especially the peasant, is gnash the teeth in anger.

马上,海盗们瞪起眼睛,咬牙切齿,摩拳擦掌,把我们团团围住了。In a moment the pirate be all around us rolling their eyes gnash their teeth and filing their nail.

为这事,我恨的我们小气的老板咬牙切齿,老板还能开玩笑跟我说。For this thing, the we are persnickety boss gnash that I hate, the boss still can say with me for fun.

很多事情发生后,每想一次后悔一次,焦虑、压抑、咬牙切齿,如果当时不那样就好了。Many things happened, each want to a regret, anxiety, depression, gnash the teeth in anger, if not so good.

艾莉打电话给世贤,世贤拒接她的电话,艾莉咬牙切齿的赌咒绝不会善罢甘休。Ellie call the Yin, the Yin refused to her telephone number, Ellie gnash teeth in hatred of swear never bolt.

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章清亭长舒了一口气,转头忿忿的咬牙切齿,“该死的混蛋!The chapter pure station grows comfortable 1 expiration, turn a gnash teeth in disgust of Fen Fen, "damn of bastard!"

然而,这边还在咬牙切齿地要切断红尘诱惑,视金钱地位如粪土。However, there are still gnash the teeth in anger to cut off the lure of human society, as the role of money like dirt.

当非洲人民在挨饿时,我看到这么多故意毁坏和浪费的食物,真使我气得咬牙切齿。It makes me gnash my teeth to see so much food deliberately destroyed or wasted when there are people starving in Africa.

床头的桌子上摆放着早点,还有一个纸张,我拿起来一看,顿时咬牙切齿。Put breakfast on the table of bedside, there is also a periodical, I elect up a to see, immediately gnash teeth in disgust.

差不多是咬牙切齿走完这百多米宽的浅水滩,横过浅滩,向对岸的家走来。Almost gnash the teeth in anger to go after the more than 100 meters wide, shallow beach, across the shallows, across to walk home.

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而上官雨诗更是咬牙切齿的样子,将这件事给玄天门给原原本本的报告了上去。But top officer rain poem is too the appearance of gnash teeth in malice, give the Xuan this material gate for sky to in elaborate reported up.

叶晴咬牙切齿的把技能书递给了我,脸上的表情真是我见尤怜啊!Leaf fine gnash teeth in disgust of passed the technical ability book to me, the facial expression aboard the face was actually that I see You Lian!

“我一点都不担心我大哥!”景宫眉咬牙切齿,“那秦府是站在太子这边的?”"I don't worry my eldest brother at always! Qin's building in"the view temple eyebrow gnash teeth in disgust, " is station at prince this location of?"

所以,二少爷可以咬牙切齿的断定,那个男子本就和锦绣相识,不知怎的在京城又遇上了。So, two young masters can gnash the teeth with disgust of damage to settle, that man originally acquaint with with rich brocade, don't know how of ran into again in the capital city.