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请让我嫁给邓先生吧。Please let me marry Tang.

最后是师傅唐僧。Finally, master Tang Seng.

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晚唐五代时期。Late Tang & Five Dynasties.

唐代方术流行的原因。Tang square technique popular.

明白了,小唐,你现在在哪儿?I see. Where are you now, tang?

这里除了唐宫之外啊。In addition to the Tang Palace.

让我们喝碗孟婆汤。Let us drink bowls Mengpo Tang.

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她是唐洁,她是我的朋友。She's Tang Jie. She's my friend.

这里到处都是唐诗啊。There are Tang poems everywhere.

酸汤用番茄酱制成。Suan Tang made with tomato sauce.

唐林,我希望你见见简。Tang Lin, I want you to meet Jane.

唐继龙怏怏不乐的说道。Tang says after the dismal dragon.

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在火塘的日子,每刻都是开心的。The life is happy in Huo Tang Bar.

很多人选择了唐代。Many people chose the Tang Dynasty.

唐糖想着超群又掉泪了。Tang sugar think super tears again.

这对于邓永锵是一个全新的领域。This is all new territory for Tang.

文若水也理解唐正。If water also understand Tang Zheng.

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她看起来像演员王堂峰。She looks like actor Wang Tang Feng.

唐.Y.M,48岁,护士,两个孩子的母亲。Tang Y.M*, 48, mother of two, nurse.

这些是唐朝的古钱。These are old coins of Tang Dynasty.