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大脑中心长橡胶瘤能医治吗?。Tumour of brain center long balata can cure?

少数本人或者妻子对橡胶过敏外的男性不能使用。Him minority or the wife cannot be used to the male outside balata allergy.

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吊装需配吊装架、加减振器或者橡胶减振垫。Hoisting must match hoisting to wear, add shock absorber or balata damping pad.

基于室内测试结果,提出了橡胶沥青技术要求。Be based on indoor test result, raised requirement of balata bitumen technology.

专业代理进口PVC地板,橡胶地板,运动地板,软木地板。Professional representative imports PVC floor, balata floor, athletic floor, cork floor.

目前可资利用的木材资源主要有橡胶木和桉木。At present but endowment the lumber resource that use basically has balata wood and eucalyptus wood.

吊兰、文竹、橡皮树等,在气温低至5℃时也要移入室内。Bracketplant, asparagus, balata , in air temperature low to also want when 5 ℃ immigrant and indoor.

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但目前来看,螺旋稳升式橡胶型的水龙头已有被淘汰的趋势。But will look at present, helix rises type balata firmly model faucet already had the tendency that is washed out.

密封垫应为橡胶或发泡塑料制造而成,弹性比较大,密封性能好。Gaskets should be balata or foamed plastics is made and become, flexibility is bigger, sealed performance is good.

低档产品多采用铜质、橡胶等密封件,使用寿命较短,但价格低廉。Cheap product uses copper more the weather strip such as qualitative, balata , service life is briefer, but the price is low.

这对他刺激很大,从那以后,他在作品中开始使用废弃的塑料膜,并往里面填充垃圾和调色的树胶。He was shocked by this greatly. From that on, in his artworks he began to use deserted plastic film and fill rubbish and the prepared balata.

弹性橡胶地板是以橡胶为主要原料再加入多种材料在高温下压制而成。Stretch balata floor is for main raw material with balata a variety of material are in rejoin to squelch below high temperature and be become.

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最好选用有长城标志的“国标”塑料或橡胶绝缘保护层的单股铜芯电线。Had better choose those who have Great Wall sign " GB " plastic or the sheet of balata insulation covering layer cupreous core electrical wiring.

橡胶用钛白粉,主要用于汽车轮胎以及胶鞋、橡胶地板、手套、运动器材等,一般以锐钛型为主。Rubber with titanium dioxide, mainly used for automobile tyres and boots, balata floor, gloves, sports equipment, etc, general with sharp titanium.

以产值计算,居前4位的品种是乳液胶粘剂、橡胶类胶粘剂、工程胶粘剂和甲醛类树脂胶粘剂。In order to produce value computation, before house 4 breed is latex adhesive, balata kind adhesive, project adhesive and formaldehyde kind colophony adhesive.

可选用的防水性、弹性、耐久性都比较好的密封材料,比如橡胶压条和硅酮系列的密封胶。The water proofing property that can choose, stretch, wear compares good sealed stuff, for instance balata layering is mixed the fluid sealant of silicon ketone series.

两个劫匪,一对奇葩,当他们提着橡胶刀,玩具枪去抢劫时,会遭遇什么令人忍俊不禁的事?Two cateran, flower to surprising, carrying balata sword when them, when peashooter goes robbing, can you encounter what makes a person the thing of cannot help laughing?

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橡胶手套是隔绝化学物质侵袭、保护双手肌肤的简单工具,无论你在厨房干什么活,都不妨戴上一副橡胶手套。Balata glove is isolation chemistry material is invaded, the simple tool that protects both hands skin, no matter what you work in the kitchen, might as well wear glove of a pair of balata.

我们家在装修的时候把煤气炉换了个位置,以前煤气公司接的铁管道就不够长了,于是装修公司就用橡胶管道把煤气接了过来。Our home changed gas furnace when decorate a position, the iron conduit that gas before company receives grew not quite, decorate a company to use balata pipeline then gas received come over.