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对这一本书,您最好先查一下目录。For this book, would you please consult the OPAC first.

如果您在联机目录中查找的话,您会很容易地找到您要的资料。You can find what you need easily if you search in the OPAC.

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直到最近,这个界面都运作良好。Until recently it was a fully working OPAC style interface on to Amazon.

分析了MARC数据的缺陷,提出了OPAC与美味书签结合检索的必要性。The limitations of MARC system make it necessary to integrate OPAC with Delicious.

本文介绍了解放军医学图书馆联机公共检目录的设计思想、使用及检索命令。The article presents the design, application and search commands of an OPAC in PLA medical library.

论文就如何打造WEB2.0之OPAC进行了阐述,提出了它的基本功能、扩展功能和附加功能。How to construct OPAC of Web2.0?This paper proposes its basic function, the expanded function and the value-added function.

2005年,PPL是继北卡州立大学之后的第二家使用Endeca取代之前的OPAC的图书馆。In 2005, PPL was the second in the nation after North Carolina State University, Raleigh, to choose Endeca as a replacement for its OPAC.

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本文指出了OPAC分类数据中存在的问题,并对存在问题的原因进行了剖析,提出了改进建议。This article puts forward the problems existed in OPAC classification data, analyzes the reasons of these problems, and gives the suggestions to improve it.

介绍在局域网环境下如何用天融信NGFW3000防火墙的NAT功能和端口映射功能保障联机编目和OPAC的实现。This paper introduce how to use the function of NAT and the function of port map of NGFW3000 to insure the realization of Online Cataloguing and OPAC in intranet.

针对现实中OPAC的不足,提出了面向用户OPAC的发展方向,及其图书馆面对OPAC用户的服务举措。This paper has analyzed the disadvantages of OPAC in use, puts forward the development orientation of OPAC towards its users, and suggests library's service measures.

本文分析了当前OPAC存在的主要问题,探讨了新型OPAC系统功能的发展趋势,并对构建新型OPAC系统提出了看法。This article analyzes the several major problems of OPAC, further explores the functions in future with the new OPAC. Some views about the new OPAC are also put forward.

举出三至四种贵馆现有书目与“下一世代”使用书目的方法不一致的特式。Consider the OPAC used in your library today. List 3 or 4 characteristics of your current library catalog that are inconsistent with the "Next Generation" approach to library catalogs?

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文章简述了OPAC系统在图书馆的基本职能,分析了影响系统质量的种种因素并提出了改进系统质量的几点思考。This article states the essential function of OPAC system in library, analyses the factors which infecting the quality of OPAC system, and brings out some ideas of improving the quality of the system.