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小枝红色或暗褐色。Gules or rod is dark Brown.

嫩枝红色,老枝棕红色。Burgeon red, old branch palm is gules.

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小孩子身上出红色小点是什么原因?What reason is gules bit giving on child body?

我有必要去购买一支纯正的红色唇膏吗?Am I necessary to buy a sterling gules lipstick?

红色-人的坚忍与刚毅,高尚的行为。Gules or red-military fortitude and magnanimity.

这样就产生了红色的靠背和蓝色的坐垫。Produced the cushion of gules back of a chair and blue so.

全国最好的做红色血管瘤医院在哪?Does the whole nation do gules hemangioma hospital best to be in?

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我爱天竺葵,胜于其他任何花,尤其是红色的。I love fish pelargonium, excel other any flowers, especially gules.

红色的皮质脚垫,梳妆台是40年代的风格。Gules coriaceous foot is filled up, dresser is the style of 40 time.

背上最近长出红色豆豆后来变成黑色斑,这怎么解决?。On the back grow gules beans beans to turn black into spot later recently, how is this solved?

红色的地面和浅红的窗帘在淡紫色壁面的衬托下,布满了喜庆的气氛。He Jiangong's curtain is in gules ground of lilac cliff face foil below, was full of festive atmosphere.

红色的单人沙发只是鲜艳的点缀,为淡然之中添些活泼色彩。Gules single person sofa is bright-coloured ornament only, for indifferently in add some of lively color.

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紫色是神秘色,它将红色的热烈、兴奋和蓝色的宁静、沉着集于一身。Purple is mystical quality, its halcyon, steady market gules enthusiastic, excitement and blue at a suit.

将红色眼影从眼睑中间点向眼头、眼尾晕开,直到铺满眼窝。Shadow of will gules eye from eyelid intermediate dot to end of eye head, eye dizzy leave, till shop eyeful nest.

家人手上有红色的小点点,有时奇痒难忍,如何根治?。Domestic person has gules bit place on the hand , surprise sometimes urticant bear hard, how to effect a radical cure?

方案1以“阳光”、“红色”、“鲜花”为要害词让客厅在冬日里分外生动。Plan 1 with " sunshine " , " gules " , " flower " let a sitting room be in wintry day for the keyword especially vivid.

幼枝绿色,细长,疏被褐色或褐红色腺鳞,老枝灰色,鳞片渐脱落。Young branch green, long and thin, scanty by Brown or brown is gules gland scale, old branch gray, scale falls off gradually.

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和谐暖和几张大红色的沙发,一抹红色的壁纸,让人觉得非凡舒适、和谐、暖和。Harmonious warmth the sofa of red of a few magnify, a gules wallpaper, let a person feel special comfortable, harmonious, warm.

在中国革命的红色摇篮江西,有一个叫柳溪的山村里,居住着几十户贫苦人家。In the gules cradle Jiangxi of Chinese revolution, have a mountain village that calls Liu Xi, living move a few poor other peoples.

天然榉木面板有白榉和红榉两种颜色,白榉呈浅淡黄色,红榉稍偏红色。Face plate of natural Ju wood has white Ju He Gongju two kinds of color, white Ju is shown shallow flaxen , red Ju slants a bit gules.