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现在我们做黑板底部的,分母部分。And now we'll do the bottom, the numerator.

这个分数的分母是个整数。The numerator of the fraction is an integer.

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您需要输入结果的分子和分母。You have to enter numerator and denominator.

您需要输入结果的分子和分母。You have to enter the numerator and the denominator.

人们可以证明分子的判别式为正。One can show that the discriminant of the numerator is positive.

节拍符号貌似一个分数,包括上面的分子与下面的分母。It looks like a fraction, consisting of a numerator and a denominator.

您需要输入结果的分数的整数部分及其分子和分母。You have to enter the integer part of the fraction and the numerator and the denominator.

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重量栏中,分子为转矩型重量,分母为推力型重量。In the bar of weight, numerator is weight of torque mode, denominator is weight of thrust mode.

分子表示每小节的拍子数,分母表示作为节拍单位的音符。The numerator indicates the number of beats per measure and the denominator indicates the note per beat.

如果大家都上升了相同幅度,分子和分母同比例增大,则没有变化If they both go up by the same proportion, then numerator and denominator go up by the same amount, so there's no change.

本文用分解真分式为最简分式的分解基本定理来确定最简分式分子里的常数。This article defined constant in numerator of simplest fraction by the way of resolve proper fraction to simplest fraction.

通过在分子中增加解决问题花费时间的方法可以获得系统可维护性的一个实际度量单位。Add the number of hours spent fixing bugs in the numerator to arrive at an actual metric for the maintainability of the system.

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在分子水平上,肿瘤的发生常涉及多基因参与,是一个多阶段、多步骤的复杂的生物学过程。On the numerator level, the tumor often involves the gene of participation and it is a biology process that has many stages, and steps.

成本是分子,而分母可能是服务、客户满意度、质量水平或生产率等。Cost is the numerator. The denominator might be service, customer satisfaction, quality levels or productivity , for example, " Kirwin says."

在此练习中您要将一个给定的数字转换成一个分数,输入转化结果的分子和分母。不要忘了将结果约分至最简分数!In this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction by entering numerator and denominator. Do not forget to reduce the result!

在此练习中您要将一个给定的数字转换成一个分数,输入转化结果的分子和分母。不要忘了将结果约分至最简分数。In this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction by entering a numerator and denominator. Do not forget to reduce the result.

你会怎么做呢?好吧,很容易,你开始从分子减去分,直到不能再减只剩余数为止。You'd start subtracting the denominator from the numerator keeping a counter until you couldn't subtract it anymore and that'd be the remainder.

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给出了分子已知情况下比率估计量的偏差和均方误差以及均方误差的估计,并对两类比率估计量进行了比较。In this paper, the bias of the ratio estimator and the estimate of mean square errors of this estimator with known numerator have been compared and discussed.

然后通过对新的SIMO模型先估计分子参数、后估计分母参数的方法,即可获得原SISO模型的参数估计。The parameter estimate of the original SISO model is obtained by first estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function and then the common denominator.

通过该项目后评价对PPR-4220项目给出了立项合理,市场判断准确,工艺条件合理可靠,控制有效,分子结构设计合理的评价结论。The evaluating conclusion of PPR-4220 is reasonable which has exact marketing orientation, good technologic background, effective control and logical designed numerator structure.