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乳糖产生葡萄糖和半乳糖。Lactose gives glucose and galactose.

一种天然存在的单醣,化学式为C6H12O6。Galactose Organic compound, a monosaccharide, chemical formula C6H12O6.

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乳糖就是一个二聚体的实例,它是由葡萄糖和半乳糖组成的。Lactose is an example of a dimer, as it is made of glucose and galactose.

单糖包括,葡萄糖,果糖,以及半乳糖Under the monosaccharides, glucose, fructose and galactose are the sugars.

鼠李糖、半乳糖和岩藻糖可以两种掺和到兽医香波中。Rhamnose, galactose and fucose are two incorporated into veterinary shampoos.

溶出糖基主要为葡萄糖、木糖、半乳糖醛酸和阿拉伯糖。The dissolved glycosyls mainly were glucose, xylose, galactose and arabinose.

果胶是由半乳糖变异体和葡萄糖变异体角素构成。Pectins are composed of a galactose derivative, chitin of a glucose derivative.

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其凝集活性能被半乳糖和乳糖抑制。Lactose and galactose could inhibit the haemagglutination activity of snail agglutinin.

乳糖一种双糖,分子式为,它存在于牛奶中CHO,在水中水解时产生葡萄糖或蔗糖。A disaccharide, CHO, found in milk, that may be hydrolyzed to yield glucose and galactose.

乳糖酶分解牛奶糖,乳糖进入更易于消化的糖类半乳糖和葡萄糖。Lactase breaks down the milk-sugar lactose into the more easily digestible sugars galactose and glucose.

本研究采用半乳糖氧化酶方法检测69例可疑肺癌患者痰液中的T抗原。He sputa from 69 suspected lung cancer patients were tested for T antigen using the enzyme galactose oxidase.

乳糖、蜜二糖、棉子糖和半乳糖对酶活有抑制作用,葡萄糖对酶活几乎没有影响。Lactose, melibiose, melitriose and galactose had inhibition against the activity but little effect of glucose.

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未熟期只有半乳糖诱发的白内障晶状体中水及电解质平衡紊乱。At immature stage, however, imbalance of water and electrolytes was found only in cataract induced by galactose.

乳糖是葡萄糖和半乳糖构成的双糖化合物,它只存在于哺乳动物的乳中。Lactose lactose the milk sugar is a disaccharide of glucose and galactose and is found only in the milk of mammals.

是存在于乳糖和多糖中的一种六醛糖,为葡萄糖的同分异构体。参见。Galactose A sugar found in lactose and many polysaccharides. It is an aldohexose, isomeric with glucose. See also sugar.

脑苷脂发现于脑和其他神经组织的一种含有葡萄糖或半乳糖和葡萄糖的脂类化合物。Any of various lipid compounds containing glucose or galactose and glucose, and found in the brain and other nerve tissue.

联合应用半乳糖和亚硝酸钠使小鼠拟痴呆,研究胡黄连糖甙对小鼠的神经保护作用。The neuroprotective effect of picrosides on analog dementia induced by galactose and nitrite natrium in mice was investigated.

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刺槐豆胶的结构是一种以半乳糖和甘露糖残基为结构单元的多糖化合物。Locust bean gum is a kind of the structure of galactose and mannose residues as a structural unit of the polysaccharide compounds.

研究黑果枸杞色素对半乳糖衰老模型小鼠抗衰老作用机理。Senile mice models were established by galactose to study the anti-senile function and mechanism of Lycium Ruthenicum Murr. pigment.

本文同时简述了用少保护的半乳糖和氨基葡萄糖为糖基受体合成寡糖的进展。Recent progress in regioselective synthesis of oligosaccharides with lightly protected glucosamine and galactose as acceptors was also outlined.