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很明显,伊莉莎现在还不能被当作公爵夫人。Clearly Eliza will not pass as a duchess.

女公爵目光冷峻地盯着尼科。The Duchess levelled a deadly look at Nikko.

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女公爵一直强调她其实根本没那么富有。The duchess insists she is not that wealthy.

小女公爵伸出手来,等着他爸爸亲吻。The little duchess offered Pa her hand to kiss.

在小女公爵面前,他觉得丢人极了。And he felt ashamed in front of the little duchess.

公爵和公爵夫人终于在英国的土壤下重逢了。Duke and Duchess were finally united under British soil.

从社会地位上看,女公爵的地位高于女侯爵。A duchess ranks above a marchioness in social importance.

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1867年路德维希二世和他的未婚妻索菲公爵夫人在巴伐利亚。Ludwig II and his fiance, Duchess Sophie in Bavaria in 1867.

现在他和妻子被称为温莎公爵伉俪。Now he and his wife would be called the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

亨利勋爵转过头来,用倦怠的眼睛望着公爵夫人。Lord Henry turned and looked at the duchess with his slumberous eyes.

祝贺剑桥公爵夫妇喜得贵子。Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their new arrival.

这两张照片是剑桥公爵夫人11月初拍摄于诺福克家中。They were taken by The Duchess in early November at their home in Norfolk.

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在萨克森公爵夫人太后科堡与哥达继续居住在科堡。The Dowager Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha continued to reside in Coburg.

伞裙由一圈丝质公爵夫人缎和一小段裙裾组成。The full skirt was framed by a band of silk duchess satin and a subtle train.

1939年,她让大家知道她没有愿望会见温莎公爵夫人。In 1939 she made it known that she had no wish to meet the Duchess of Windsor.

在婚礼上,女王授予他们二人约克公爵与公爵夫人的爵位。Upon their nuptials, the Queen bestowed on them the titles Duke and Duchess of York.

奥尔良公爵夫人于1840年将第一棵圣诞树引入法国。In France, the first Christmas tree was introduced in 1840 by the duchess of Orleans.

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这就是英国剑桥公爵夫妇的女儿夏洛特·伊丽莎白·戴安娜。This is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, the daughter of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

那个女孩可以在三个月后由一位大使举行的舞会上冒充一位女公爵。The girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's party.

一开始,剑桥公爵与公爵夫人很欢迎哈里王子搬进肯辛顿宫。At first, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge welcomed Prince Harry to Kensington Palace.